Chapter 4

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"About that school's field trip to Kyoto..." Kaguya said politely as she sat opposite her father's desk. The man put down his pen and took a glance at his daughter.

"Are you expecting me to sign your approval..." he looked towards the paper she was holding.

"I hope so..." she said softly.

The principal look at her and smiled. He took the brown envelop from his drawer and took it out. He carefully placed the contents on his table.

"Do you know what are these?" he asked without turning to look at the female.

"These...are your test results, personally handed to me by the examiner himself..." he said as he placed them for her to see. "I am not particularly happy with this one especially..." he pointed out her Maths paper which she scored only a 39.

"So, tell me...are you eligible to receive my consent?" he ask with a grin on his face.

Kaguya only duck her head in responce.

"Leave them be. You can use the time to study and get better marks than them..."and with that she was dismissed from her father's study.

Outside, Gakushuu leaned by the wall of his father's study waiting for her sister. When she came out, he immediately knew the result as to the look on her face.

"He said no didn't he?" he asked.
Kaguya only nodded.
"Let's talk in our room,shall we?" he said pulling his sister's hand and dragging her to their room on the second floor.

"H-hey, Gakushuu, no need to be so rough pulling my hands!" she exclaimed as they bash through the door and sat atop their bedside.

Gakushuu, despite being a high end student and a modal student, he was nice to her, particularly.

"So what's up?" Kaguya asked as she rub her arm which Gakushuu pulled on. She was sure it was gonna bruise.

He's gotten really strong and big...

She could still recall the little Gakushuu playing with her clothes and helping her when she was young, especially during the divorce. She could hardly believe the man who sat across her now was the same boy from before.

"I know you want on that I'll offer up a deal.."

A deal? This is so like him...sneaky and smart..

"Hurry up and spill already..." Kaguya demanded impatiently.

"I can get dad's signature. But I want you to promise me something..."

A promise...?

"I'll let you in when he goes on his business won't be safe right now..." he said as his eyes turned to the door.

Yea...he might be able to hear us at this rate..

"Okay..." the female said handing him the consent letter. She did not ponder any further. All she wanted was a nice field trip outside of school, outside of her house, with the people who accepted her.

Just then, she heard her cellphone vibrate from her school bag.

Kaguya reluctantly took out a small handphone from her bag hidden in between her books.

"Hey, where did you get that?! Father didn't even buy you one! "

"I bought it for myself of course, I'm a teenage girl, handphones are essential for us nowadays you know?" Kaguya said with smile.

Gakushuu smiled along with his sister.

"You're alot more cheerful these few days, " he whispered to himself.

"Huh?What was that Gakushuu? "



"Father..." Gakushuu said as he entered his father's study.

"Ah..Gakushuu, just the right time...come, sit..."

Gakushuu walked inside and sat at the chair opposite his father.

"I'm very proud of you performance during the Midterms...first in all once again..."His father said as he patted his head.

"Thank you..." he gestured.

"So, my boy, what have you come to discuss with me today?" he asked joyfully.

Gakushuu was just waiting for this moment. He knew his father would reward him after a good result.


"Uwaaaa!You got father to sign it!!" Kaguya looked at her consent letter gleefully. "How did you do it?!"

Gakushuu smiled and posed heroically,"I am the smartest in the school after all...and the second handsome of the whole school.." he said with pride written all over.

"Hah! Only the second?! I though aniki was the most ikemen?" Kaguya joked with her brother.

It's been awhile since Gakushuu laughed or even played with her. He always had errands to run or extra classes to attend which always made Kaguya alone. But she was glad that today, father was on a business trip and left Gakushuu in charge of her. Despite years of solitude and him always being busy, Gakushuu was still lively, even if its only in front of her.

"Hey don't joke with me...." Gakushuu threw a pillow at her face and smirked.

Just as Kaguya was about to throw a pillow back at him, her handphone started to vibrate.

"Wait...I got to get this..." she said, reaching for her handphone.

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(. This was kinda short and shitty once again. Special coming up next! And some flirting muahahahhahah >:D )

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