Chapter 7

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The seven of them, Nagisa, Sugino, Karma, Okuda, Kayano, Kanzaki and Kaguya gathered by the railways awaiting the train. Today, the students of Kunugigaoka were going on a field trip to Kyoto. Kaguya, who has never been outside of her hometown was feeling very estatic about it. Slowly, the station started to be filled up with all the students from class A to E.

"Uwaa...the students from class A to D get to ride on the first class car!" said Sugaya as he laughed to himself.

"Its the same as always." Nakamura said annoyed by the school's double standards.

Two boys from class A peeped out the door to see them. "Those with excellent scores get priority in the use of school expences."

"My, my you guys really give out the scent of poverty."

Kaguya watch as Nakamura's face angered and her fist were clenched so hard her veins were visible.

As they were about to board the second class car, the students of class E watch as a familiar shadow stood in front of them.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting.." spoke Irina as she flashed her clothes around. She look as if she came from a wealthy family of some sort. "Good day to you students..."

"Hey, Bitch sensei. What's with the hollywood getup?" exclaimed one of the students.

"Fufufu! When you're an assassin, its only natural to take advantage of being a woman. It's perfect for when a target is-" Bitch sensei continued her lecture but they turned to Karasuma sensei who looked really pissed.

"You're too conspicious. No matter how you look it, it doesn't give off the image of supervisor teacher."

"Awww come on Karasuma! I was~-" she was interupted as she saw his expressions.

"Get changed! Now!" he yelled.

Kaguya turned to first class car where her brother stood taking the attendace as everyone of them got in. As he finished marking the names on his clipboard, he turned to see his sister glaring at him.

Gakushuu only stared blankly towards his sister as he made his way inside.

"Hey, Kagu-chii! The train is about to leave! Let's get in!" Kayano stated as she pulled her friend's arm.

The door of the second class car closed the moment they got in. Inside, the students from class E gathered to the nearest seat and chatted among themselves.

"I wonder where's Koro Sensei?" Nagisa asked as he looked around the train. Nagisa turned towards the nearest window and screamed as he saw the yellow creatures's face slammed against the window. "Why are you clinging to the window, Koro Sensei?!" Nagisa asked worriedly.

The creature replied that he was buying sweets at the station and apparently missed the train. He told his students that they do not need to worry since he was in camoflage mode and only his clothes and bag were not.

"That's totally unusual!" said the students in unison.

Koro Sensei is a national secret after all so it would be hard to blend him in with humans while on this field trip....

"Kaguya-chan?" a humble voice called her from one of the seats in front of her. It was Kanzaki turning to back to converse with her.

"Hm, Yes?

"This is your first time outside town is it?"


She quickly remembered how she spent her whole life inside the house and how she was not allowed to leave and see the outside world. Her father had given permission for her to go on this trip just this once since Gakushuu insisted on it. Nobody from other classes knew she was related to Gakushuu. She was kept a secret in the E class like Koro Sensei.

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