Chapter 15

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I do not own Teen Wolf.

Lydia ended up leaving with Ethan and I left with Stiles, so we could get something from his dad's room that Scott could smell to track him down. We got into the jeep and started off down the road to Stiles' house.

"Are you okay?" I asked once I noticed him still shivering slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a bit cold is all." He said, smiling over at me.

  "Okay." I said, smiling sadly at him and placing my hand on his shoulder as we pulled up to his house. "Wait!" I yelled softly when he started to walk up the side walk.

  "What?" He asked turning around and looking at me with and adorable confused look on his face. I didn't say anything, I just ran up and literally jumped into his arms.

  "I wanted a hug." I said into his neck but it came out muffled because, y'know I was kinda talking into his neck like I said literally a second ago. Stiles just laughed and kept his arms around my waist and he carried me to the door. He walked inside and set me down in front of the stairs.

  "I really don't want to drop you while walking up the stairs." He laughed. I smiled and followed him up to his dad's room as he pulled out his phone and called Scott. "Hey, what do you want me to bring?" Stiles asked, putting his phone on speaker and setting on the dresser.

  "Just grab anything." Scott told him.

  "Boxers?" He asked holding up a pair of his dad's boxers from out of the drawer.

  "Stiles, I'm not smelling a pair of your dads boxers." Scott stated.

  "Ugh, fine. Socks?" I asked holding up a pair of socks.

  "Socks? Okay I'll smell the socks." Scott said before hanging up.

  "Okay come on." Stiles said grabbing my hand and walking outside back to the jeep. We started off down the road and out of no where there was just a bunch of thunder and lightning outside. We kept driving but the roads started getting really foggy in front of us and I couldn't even see the road anymore. Soon enough I knew we weren't on the road cause of how bumpy the ground was and I just knew that we were in grass. The last thing I saw before going out cold was a tree in front of us.

   "Taylor. Taylor!" I woke up to the sound of Stiles yelling as he was shaking me.

  "Ughh, please don't yell." I said putting my hand on my throbbing head. Once I pulled my hand away I saw red and figured I was bleeding.

  "Are you okay?" He asked.

  "I'm fine." I said looking outside. "We have to go." I said pointing to the moon  and we both got out of the jeep, Stiles grabbing his bat, and we ran towards the nemeton. When we got there we saw it caving in and Stiles and I jumped down and Stoles put the bat under the the wood to hold it up.

  "I always said aluminum was better than wood." Sheriff said hugging his son. I crawled over to Melissa and attacked her with a hug.

  "This is because Scotts not here." I said, laughing with her. We all stayed under the nemeton, for what felt like hours but was probably only 10 minute, until the storm stopped.

  "Is it over?" Allison asked looking at all of us. We all just looked at each other and started laughing. Stiles took his phone out and called Scott.

  "Scott?" He asked.

  "Hey, you two okay?" I faintly heard Scott ask through the phone.

  "Yeah, we're okay. We're all okay. How about you, you okay?" Stiles asked him.

  "Sort of."

  "You think you can come get us?" Stiles asked.

  "Yeah of course." Scott answered.

  "Great, uh, bring a ladder." I said taking the phone from Stiles causing everyone to laugh slightly.

  The next day Stiles and I walked into the school, holding hands, rubbing our relationship in everyone's face. We saw Scott standing in the middle of the hall, so Stiles walked up and put his arm around him, patting him on the shoulder, and I walked over, in between them, and slung my arms over their shoulders, laughing slightly as we all walked down the hall. It's finally over. I hope.

  THATS THE END OF 3A!!!! YAAAYYYYY!!! Thank you guys for reading! I'm gonna start 3b tonight but I probably won't finish it until tomorrow :,( Please comment what you thought, I love reading your guys comments!

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