Chapter 21

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     I do not own Teen Wolf.

Lydia's POV

"Where's Taylor?" I asked, standing up. "She was with Stiles last, I saw them go upstairs."

"Stiles left, but there was no sign of Taylor." Isaac told me.

"Oh no." I muttered, running upstairs with Scott and Allison behind me. "Taylor?"

"Taylor?" I heard Scott call from behind me.

"Taylor!" I heard Allison yell. I turned around and ran to her voice, seeing my sister laying on the ground.

"Oh my god! Is she okay?" I yelled, running up to Allison.

"I-I don't know." Allison said, pushing Taylor's hair away from her ear, seeing the mark. She then checked for a pulse. "Lydia... S-she doesn't have a pulse."

"No. No, no, no, no, no. She has to be alive. She's not dead. She wouldn't leave me like this." I said, leaning my head down to listen for her breath, but it wasn't there. "Scott! Someone help!" I cried out, hugging Taylor's body to mine. Next I did the thing I do best. I screamed. I had hoped that maybe because Taylor was a banshee like me, she would wake up from the scream. She didn't. But it did bring everyone to where I was. "Call and ambulance!" I screamed at them, seeing them all staring in shock at her. But she's still alive. She's not allowed to leave me like this. She's not allowed to leave Mom like this. She's not allowed to leave. Period. 


  "Why isn't she waking up like the rest of us?!" I screamed at Deaton.

  "I don't know, Lydia. Was anyone around her before anything happened?" Deaton asked me.

  "Stiles was the last person to be seen with her." Scott answered for me.

  "Well, where is he?" Deaton asked.

  "I'll call him." Scott said, leaving the room.


    "No, no, no, no. This better be some sick joke guys." I heard Stiles say before running into the room with Taylor and I.

   "What the hell happened?!" I yelled in his face. "What did you do?! You were the last person to see her! What happened to her?!" I cried, smacking him after every sentence.

  "No, no, no, no. She's not dead. She can't be." He said, completely ignoring my questions. "How come she isn't waking up Deaton?" He cried, collapsing next to her. "She's too strong to die like this. She's not allowed. I'm not losing my first true love like this! I'm no losing the only person that I have ever loved like this. It's not happening." He cried, looking at her face and feeling for a pulse.

  "Scott, call your mom." I cried. "She might be able to help."

  "Okay, I'll call her." He said, wiping his eyes as Allison walked in.

  "AlliCat." I cried, calling Allison the nickname my sister gave her. She ran up and hugged me, crying on my shoulder.

   "My mom's coming." Scott said.


  "What happened?" Melissa asked, walking into the room.

  "She was attacked by them like the rest of us, but she was the only one that didn't wake up." I whimpered, hoping Melissa might be able to help us.

   "We need to give her CPR." Melissa said, walking up to Taylor, plugging her nose, then blowing into her mouth. She pulled back, pumping her chest a few times. She kept repeating this, but nothing happen.

  "Why isn't it working?" I cried onto Allison's shoulder.

  "No this has to work. She's not leaving us like this. Come on Taylor. Taylor, come on sweetie. Scream, Taylor, scream." Melissa shouted, pumping Taylor's chest again.

   "Scream!" I yelled at her.

  And that's when we all heard an ear piercing scream for the second time that night. But it wasn't mine.

   It was Taylor's.

DONT HATE ME. The next chapter is coming soon. Whatdo you think happened? I feel evil.

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