Chapter 16

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I do not own Teen Wolf.

Stiles POV

I finally woke up from my nightmare. But I wasn't in my bed, I was in a.. Locker? I started hitting the door trying to get it to open or to get someone's attention. The door swung open and I stepped out only to see that I was in the locker room. Did I like sleepwalk to school? I stepped out of the locker room and out into the hallway. I stopped when I heard something coming from a classroom. I walked inside and said the nemeton in the middle of the room, I walked towards it and slowly bent down to touch it and right before my hand touches it, roots shot up out of it, wrapping around my hand and pulling me towards it. The next thing I know I wake up panting, sitting up in my bed.

"You okay?" I heard a voice from next to me. I looked over and saw Taylor laying next to me. She sat up and placed her hand on my arm. "Stiles?"

"Yeah I was just dreaming. It was weird it was like a dream within a dream." I told her, she just stared at me with a confused expression.

"A nightmare?" She asked, rubbing my arm.

"Yeah." I said placing my hand on her hand which was on my knee, while her other hand rubbed circles on my shoulder. Wait, why was she in my bed? "Wait a sec, Taylor. What are you doing here?" I ask as the door creaks open. "Hang on." I said getting up.

"Stiles, where are you going?" She asked grabbing my hand.

"I'm just gonna close the door." I told her.

"Just go back to sleep." She said laying down and trying to pull me down with her.

"No, I should close it." I said trying to get up once again.

"Don't worry about it." She whispered.

"What if someone comes in?" I asked her.

"Like who?" She asked but I didn't answer, I just walked to the door. "Just go back to sleep, Stiles."

"No. What if they get in?" I whispered, walking to the door as I heard whispering coming from it.

"What if who gets in?" She asked me, but I again ignored her and walked to the door. "Stiles just leave it, please." She begged. "Stiles, come back to bed. Stiles please don't." She begged as I traced for the door knob. "Stiles, don't. Don't go in there, please, don't. Please, Stiles, don't!" She yelled but I walked out the door and out into the lacrosse field. The nemeton in the middle of it.

"It's a dream. This is just a dream. It's just a dream, get it out of your head Stiles. You're dreaming, alright? So wake up, Stiles." I repeated running my hands through my hair and tugging at some strands. "Wake up, Stiles. Wake up!" I yelled, opening my eyes as my dad walked into my room.

"Hey, time to get up, kiddo. Get your butt to school." He said, leaving and letting me get ready.

Taylor's POV

"Allison? Are you okay?" Lydia asked as we walked in front of the currently frozen Allison. She nodded. I just raised my eyebrows at her and she sighed before explaining the hallucination she just had.

"We have to go tell Scott." I said dragging her outside to find him. We found Stiles and him talking.

"How'd you know?" We heard Scott ask.

"Because it's happening to all three of you." I said. Scott and Stiles then told us about their hallucinations and sleep paralysis as we walked to the school.

"Well, well, look at who's no longer the crazy ones." I smiled.

"We're not crazy." Allison stated.

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