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Silvia helped Henrietta reach the auditorium. The students have settled themselves on queues by then. The assembly conductor was up on the stage. Teachers were at there respective places.

"Good morning, my dear friends, my respected teachers and honorable principal. It is time we should start our morning assembly.", there was the voice of the assembly host on the speaker.

All stood properly. The assembly started like every usual day which was not so usual to Henrietta. It was her first time to attend an assemble.After the national anthem, the patriotic song and the oath, the principal came forward towards the microphone for announcements. Every assembly used to end with very important issues that dealt with disciplines and regulations.

"Good morning, I hope you all had a fine week.", the principal paused.

The students present in the hall room were freeze. They were literally too much nervous about these announcement. After each and every announcement, more than one students are taken into detention or suspension.

"Students, to maintain the order and rules of Mornington High School, we are devoted to uphold the tranquility by punishing the offenders and violators of regulations.As a part of it, every Monday one or more student deserves special decision from the authority. And, now I am going to pronounce those names as well as the reason behind."

Everyone was sweating. They didnt want to hear their own names.

"So, the first person who violated rules is, Juniper Carmella from grade seven in the offence of bringing cell phone in classroom. Come on here, Juniper."

The unfortunate girl, Juniper was standing at the very end of the queue. Hearing her own name, she turned pale and colorless as ash. She was about to cry. All the students and teachers were looking at her. They knew that there was going to be a bad day for her.

The principal again repeated in the microphone, "Juniper Carmella, can you hear me? Come forward."

Juniper, walked two steps hardly.Going towards the stage, she almost slipped. She was trembling in unconquerable fear.

The principal smiled. That smile creeped everyone out. They all forgot to breath.

"Juniper Carmella, you are having a seven days suspension from school. And, not on usual days, you are suspended on seven exam days. As a consequence, your punishment is not attending the examination."

Tears rolled down her cheeks. The next examination was annual which would promote her to eighth grade. But, as she wouldn't be permitted to take the exams, she had to be in grade seven for another year. Such a shame!

"Well, it is time for the last unfortunate student.", he paused.

Henrietta whispered to Silvia as she was standing just behind her, "Why is he so rude? He could've called them in his room for respective punishments. This is totally ridiculous to embarrass them all in front the assembly. "

Silvia didn't answer. She was suspecting something else, almost sinister.

"As I was saying, the next student is... Henrietta Arthur from grade nine . Her offence was to physically harass two of her classmates named Jason Mayham and McKenzie White in two consecutive days. Due to this, McKenzie White gained external injuries that is visible as well as evidence..."

The world stopped on its axis. Clock stopped on its time.Tide paused on the sea. At least, Henrietta felt so. She couldn't believe her own ears that she was called there by that heartless rude person. As the previous girl, Juniper, Henrietta also freeze. Her legs had rigorous mortis. She tried to walk towards the stage, but she was block with thought. With only her hearing sense, she couldn't figure out the position of the stage. She was tripping.

Everyone was looking at her with unbelief in tthere eyes. Avoiding their sight, Silvia ran to Henrietta and helped her reach the stage. They knew she had to. So, no other way was out there.

The principal stared down his spectacles. He was strange seeing Silvia helping her to get on the stage.

"By the way, I can see this violent girl with her helper. So, Ms. Helper, return to your place now. I wonder why did you make her reach the stage. I don't think that her legs are cut that she had problem to. Well, get lost."

Silvia didn't engage herself in a fuss. She came back in the queue.

"So,Henrietta, look at me. Oh! Where are you looking girl? I'm over here!"

Mrs. Peerson stood up from the teachers section, "Sir, she is visually impaired."

"Ch, ch, ch. She is visually iimpaired? Then, how did she do such things to these kids Mrs. Peerson? Can't you see?"

Mrs. Peerson didn't reply. Talking back would call more danger.

"I should increase her punishment. Because, being visually impaired, she committed such things that is even beyond imagination of a normal girl. And, I am convinced that she is going to do the same thing here again if I don't show her the path by punishing. So, I may read her punishment.

Henrietta Arthur, rules are equal. So, I'm giving you the punishment of a Three hours detention after school time."

Henrietta didn't say anything. She was only thinking how her life that was adored by the love and affection of mom, that was protected and saved by mom was being dented by rude and harsh people. She only was being surprised with each and every breath of her witnessing the trapping and transforming her life into a death. As her life was a game where she is the play board and devil is the player.

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