Love Me, Love Me Not (Pt 2)

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Love Me, Love Me Not (Pt 2)

Dylan hadn't returned home after Matt had snapped. And Matt had felt guilty. Really guilty. He had never had the intention to snap at Dylan, he had just pissed off the drummer because it seemed like he wasn't trying in the relationship no more.

"Come on, Dyl, pick up." The curly-haired male whispered under his breath as he tried to call the Mexican for the seventh time today.

It had been a week since Matt had seen his lover, and he was really starting to get worried about the rapper. Throwing the phone beside him, he glided a hand through the mass of curly hair on his head. "Oh Dylan." He sniffled and whimpered.


Dylan had ordered another beer. "You sure you want another one?" The bartender asks the latter.

"Yeah." He grumbles, leaning his head on one hand. The bartender pushes the glass towards the rapper. "Thanks." He forces out. His phone vibrates against the bar and he looks at the caller ID.


He wanted to answer - he was about to - but then remembered that he had snapped at Dylan. So, the younger ignored the call and went back to drinking. "You should probably answer that you know." The bartender pipes up.

The rapper looked over and at her name tag. Jane. "Nah, he's just over reacting." The Mexican mumbled, drinking the rest of the beer.

"Well, he sounds like he's upset or worried, maybe even both considered it's been ringing since you got here." She was right and Dylan one that.

"Yeah." He sighed, picking up the phone and dialling his lover's number.

"Dylan? Is that you?" Matt has rushed out, only slow enough for the younger male to understand him.

"Yeah, it's me. I'll be home soon." The tanned man whispered down the phone, just loud enough for the drummer to hear.


"Promise." And just like that, the latter hung up and left the tip on the bar surface. Putting on his coat, he leaves the bar and heads home after a week.


Matt heard the front door open and close and a sudden I'm home from the voice he had longed for. The older shot up and ran to the door, engulfing the slightly taller make in his arms once again. "I am so so sorry for snapping at you." Matt was on the verge of tears.

Dylan wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and sobered up a little. "It's okay, and I'm sorry for not trying hard enough." He said back, holding the male in his arms just as tight.

"It's fine, we'll get through this." The drummer sniffs. "I love you."

"I love you too."


okay, so @LydaBrown requested a part 2 for this one (two) shot. (Wattpad won't let me tag you, sorry Hun.)

_ Rønni 🐾 💉

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