Happy Birthday babe

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Happy Birthday Babe
{Charlie Scene X J-Dog}

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Jordon chants, shouting at the sleeping body. A hand flies up, swatting the younger male on the nose and groans. Jordon rolls his eyes, again chanting the words wake up and shaking the person's shoulders. "Come on Jay, get your fat ass up!" He whines, pouting.

Jorel lifts his head, his hair extremely messy and his eyes clouded with sleep. "Why the hell are you getting me up at this time?" The older male moans, sitting up and running a hand through his mass of bed head.

"It's nine o'clock and the first of May." Jordon hints, grinning like an idiot. The Italian just glares at his "friend", slowly taking in the sentence.

"Oh joy." Jorel yawns, stretching and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. "Where are the other fucker's?" He mumbles, looking up at the other male.

"Out." He simply states, trying not to give any hints about what they were all playing. The Raven haired quirks an eyebrow but doesn't question it. "I'm taking you out for breakfast, so you best get your pretty little ass in gear and get ready." Jordon ushers throwing some clothes at the still very sleepy man, before scurrying downstairs. The older male just shakes his head and gets ready.

Jordon on the other hand quickly grabs his phone, thinking about who to text. Matt wouldn't answer because he'd be too busy moaning about something. Danny probably wouldn't answer because he'd be busy picking out what to get his best friend. Dylan definitely wouldn't answer for no reason. So that only leaves George.

To: 3TeArS💧
From: Sceney-Boy🤘🏻

We should be out for about 3 hours tops, so you lot best be almost ready. Oh and we'll be leaving in about 10minutes.

To: Sceney-Boy🤘🏻
From: 3TeArS💧

Yeah yeah, I'll text you when we're ready.

Jordon sends a quick okay before he notices at the door of the kitchen. "Are we going?" Jorel asks, his hands stuffed into his pockets with his lip in between his teeth. The younger male nods, sending him a smile and heading out of the house first.


The two males sat opposite each other in Wendy's. "Why are you taking me out for breakfast?" The older boy asks, his tattooed hands cupped around the steaming mug of black coffee.

"Do you always have to have an answer for everything?" Jordon asks, his eyebrow quirked. Jorel nods, taking a small sip of his drink. Jordon rolls his eyes but answers anyway, "because it's your birthday and I wanted to do something nice."

Jordon and Jorel has always had this weird relationship between each other. They didn't act all lovey-dovey, they still acted as if they were friends just with a hell of a lot more hugging, hand holding and kisses.

The two men busy themselves with conversation as the food arrives.


Jordon and Jorel soon find themselves walking in the local park two hours later, pushing and shoving each other like little kids as they laugh. The younger male pushes his boyfriend a little too hard, causing his to tumble to the floor but he drags Jordon down with him. There was a moment of silence between the two before they erupt into laughter.

"Well isn't this fun." Jorel chuckles, pushing the smaller male off of him and getting up. Jordon pouts once he realises that Jorel wasn't going to help him up.

"Aren't you forgetting about something?" The boy whines, huffing a little bit and folding his arms over his chest in a stroppy manner. The taller male rolls his eyes, sticking a hand out and pulling his boyfriend to his feet. "Thank you." The brunette smirks, not letting go of the Italian's hand as they continue to walk around the park. "Tell me when you want to head back."

"Now." The ebony haired male pipes up, looking at his lover. He nods, fishing his phone out from his pocket with his free hand.

To: 3TeArS💧
From: Scene-Boy🤘🏻

We're on our way back, is everything ready?

To: Sceney-Boy🤘🏻
From: 3TeArS💧

Yeah, everything's ready.

Jordon slips his phone back into his pocket, "let's get going then."

The car ride back to the house was quiet, yet comfortable, with the sound of All Time Low playing softly on the radio. Jordon keeps his eyes on the road as a smile slowly creeps on to his face. Jorel sat in the passengers seat, bobbing his head slightly to the beat of Kids In The Dark as he gazes out of the window.


The boys pull up outside their house. It was awfully quiet and Jorel didn't like it. "Everything's seems quiet." He frowned, climbing out the car and walking up to the front door. He waits for Jordon before opening the door and switching on the lights. "Surprise!" He raises his eyebrow as turns to his boyfriend who stood next to him grinning. There was a moment of silence before they guys and their families wishes the boy a happy birthday, pulling him into a hug as they do so.

Once everyone gets comfortable and starts conversing, Jorel simply glares at his boyfriend before saying "you know I hate surprises." He pouts, leaning his head in Jordon's shoulder.

"Sorry babe." He chuckles, kissing his forehead and begins playing with his hair absentmindedly as he starts talking to Dylan.


Once everyone leaves (it's around 11 at night), the couple collapses on to the couch. "Happy birthday babe." Jordon smiles, handing a bag to the body beside him. Jorel takes it, ripping of the tape and peering inside.

He pulls out the small black velvet box and opens it. "I'm not good with speeches like that, so I'm just gonna keep it small and simple; Jorel decker, will you marry me?"

The older male grins, "of course I will you fucker." And pulls his now fiancé into his arms.

{ I needed to make a cute one because it's Jay's birthday, so I thought why not. And yes, I have changed the cover photo to some a lot better (in my opinion anyway) and a lot more simple compared to the other one. }

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