Love At First Sight

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Love At First Sight

"I have someone I want you to meet." Jordon pipes up at Dylan, making the younger boy look up at the slightly chubby male. The Mexican quirks an eyebrow, slightly confused. "And he's willing to me you too." Jordon jumps a little, clapping as well.

"You are so gay." Dylan chuckles, shaking his head.

Jordon frowns, "not as gay as you though." He sasses back, grinning like an idiot. "So, are you willing to meet him?" Dylan huffs, rolling his eyes but going along with whatever his friend was planning.

* * *

Dylan and Jordon sit on a park bench waiting to meet whoever Jordon's other friend was. "So, what's this guy like?" The Mexican asks, pulling out a tootsie roll from his pocket.

"Well, he's got really big hair, blue eyes, plays the drums-"

"I mean, is personality dip-shit." Dylan interrupts Jordon.

"Oh, right, well he's-"

"Hey Jord." Some guy cuts Jordon shirt from his sentence. Both boys look up seeing a male that looked around four years older than them.

"Matty!" Jordon yells, jumping up from the bench and pulling the older boy into a hug. "Dylan, this is Matthew Busek, Matt, this is Dylan Alvarez." Jordon introduces the boys to each other.

"Please, it's just Matt." The curly haired male sticks his hand out in front of him to Dylan.

"Dylan." The Mexican smiles. Matt nods, also smiling. Wow, he has a cute smile. Dylan thinks, shaking Matt's hand.

* * *

The three boys were currently laughing at something stupid that Matt did over Taco Bell. "You are as bad as Jordon his." Dylan forces once his laughter dies down.

"Oh shut up." Matt chuckles, taking out a pice of jalapeño. Dylan grinned which went unnoticed by Matt, but not by Jordon - unfortunately.

Jordon: You Like him ;)

Hitting send, Jordon watches as the younger boy pulls out his phone and his facial expression turns to a frown as he turns his attention toon to the slightly chubby male.

Dylan: Maybe....

As soon as he pressed the send button, he knew he would regret it. "Awww!" Jordon opens his mouth, making Matt stop talking and look between the boys. "Oops, sorry." He grinned. Matt shrugged his shoulders, resume eating his taco.

"I can set you up." He whispers into the younger male's ear. Dylan shook his head.

"No tha-"

"Matt, Dylan likes you!" Jordon cuts him off, telling the eldest. The youngest glared at the male beside him and clench his jaw. "So, would you get with him?" Jordon grins.

"Eh..." Matt shrugged, "probably if I get to know him more." He finishes, winning at the tanned boy, which makes his cheeks glow a light shade of pink.

"Great! I'll set up a date for you guys." Jordon smiles, clapping his hands and then taking a sip out of his soda. "I guess this is what people call love at first sight."

So this was requested by FunnyManxCharlie

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 | 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒚𝒘𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅Where stories live. Discover now