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Matt hated the dark. He didn't know what it was about the dark that he hated, whether it has not knowing exactly what lurks about when there is no light or eyes to see their figures. Or if it's just the thought of you being vulnerable.

Or maybe it was just a childhood fear that he had not gotten over.

Matt couldn't bare it when the lights go out when there's a power cut, he sits (or stands) there, his eyes shut tight until the lights come back on and he know he's safe. And he always sleeps with the light on.

It was a regular Wednesday night for Matt. He would normally sit there on the couch, the TV on and the lights off. The TV has just the right amount of light to make Matt comfortable and not freak out. He absentmindedly flicked over the channels, not quite sure what to watch yet, as the front door opened.

"We're home!" He heard his parents shout. They had just gotten back from a Wednesday night date - it was their so called tradition, something they had always done since they first got together.

The 16 year old got up, going over to his parents and greeting them with a hug. "So, how was it?" The boy asked his mum as his dad wandered off.

"Like always, pleasant." She smiled, taking off her heels and hanging up her coat and bag. "And how was your night?" She asked her son as they made their ways back into the front room.

"Like always, boring." Matt huffed, falling back onto the couch. He checked the time: 22:03. "I should probably hit the hay." He yawned, getting back on his feet and stretching.

"Okay, goodnight dear." Kissing his mum on the cheek, he goes off to find his dad before heading to bed.

* * *

Dylan lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His bit his lip as he turned on his side and sighed.

Now, Dylan didn't know why he feared being alone. Maybe it was the thought of no one ever loving him that scared him. Or maybe it was the fact that his mum walked out on him at a young age and he never received any love from his father when Dylan needed it the most.

He knew why his own mum walked out on him - even if his dad didn't bother telling him or dismissed Dylan every time the young boy bought it up. But he knew she couldn't handle looking after a kid; especially being so you when she gave birth to the 14 year old.

The young boy got up, hearing the front door shut and his dad shouting. It's not like his father didn't hurt - or hate - his own son, it's just the fact that he rarely has time to spend with Dylan and that made the boy upset in some way.

Dylan turned on his computer and logged in to his social media accounts. Noticing he had 5 notifications for Twitter, 20 for Instagram, 7 for Tumblr and 16 for Facebook.

He yawned as he sent a quick message to his best friend, Jordon.

Dylan: Hi, can we talk? Sorry if I woke you, I can't sleep :/

Pressing send, he types in a few songs on YouTube and clicks play just before receiving a reply from Jordon.

Jordon: Of course we can talk :) and no, you didn't wake me c:

Dylan smiled as he and his friend sparked up a conversation. Jordon was the only friend Dylan had ever had. They had been BFFs since kindergarten. But the thing was, Jordon had other friends, older friends, so he couldn't always spend time with Dylan. And that made Dylan upset. Jordon had tried many times to get Dylan to meets his other friends and to hang out with them, but Dylan didn't want to.

Jordon: Do you mind if I try and get some sleep? I have a maths exam tomorrow and my parents don't want me to fail again :/

Dylan frowned.

Dylan: Sure, I don't mind :) I'll talk to you later

The young boy logged off his computer and climbed back under his bedsheets. He yawned again as he laid his head down and closed his eyes whilst he inhaled deeply through his nose before going to sleep.

[Word count: 723]
Not much Datty happening in this one, but I was thinking about making this into an actual book.

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 | 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒚𝒘𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅Where stories live. Discover now