Chapter 10

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Chapter ten! And its getting cozy in here! Oooooh! SEBRA! no that sounds like Zebra? SEZRA! EZBINE! SEZRABINE!
WELL whatever you want to call it! it is happening!

Chapter 10

Sabine sat with Ezra starting deep into his beautiful stary eyes they reminded her of all the colours in space, not the blackness closing in, but the purples and blues opening out, freedom from thoughts of pain and sorrow, his eyes opened her heart.

Yes she missed him and thought of him alot but would you love someone and how would they love you back, it didn't make sense to her how she could love her family and have another love too, just for Ezra.Did he love her?

''Sabine''his soft weak voice broke her day dream''you're drewling" he chuckled with a cough "Wu-Wha! Hey!" She laughed with Ezra she liked this, they were together, she liked when they were together. Ezra took her hand, "I like it too" he said as her cheeks lit up.

He read her mind through the force, she giggled at the thought of it that means... he - heard- all-of - it? Uh oh?

"Sabine" he said quietly "yeah?'' She replied "I need to tell you something'' he wispered as he beckoned her to come closer.

She leaned towards him as he lifted his hand to whisper into her ear, but instead it gently moved down to her cheek as his middle and forefingers soft touch rested gently on her neck ''I love you'' he whispered lightly as thier lips pressed together.

Some say a kiss is sweet, others say that their are fireworks all around but if time had stopped then and there and they were left starting into eachothers bearly open eyes with a touch as warming as the others and softest of lips pressed with love for all eternity that would've been ok, this was love ♥.

This was their love.

Sabine fell asleep beside Ezra it was a bit of a squeeze but they didn't mind being close, so close together. They fell asleep to the beat of each other's hearts.

Everything was ok.

Please tell me what you think of this chapter! Because I really need the criticism! I want everyones thoughts because im not sure If I should continue or not? Or is everyone just afraid of me? I can tell my black cat to let go of your tongues? I need at least 4 people to tell me to keep going! New chapter will be up in a while!

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