Chapter 19

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New chapter lads and lassies !

Hera was feeling light headed but she knew that she had to keep going. Darth Vader's ship was in hot per suit and kept fireing but the ghost was small and fast to it was easily manuverd out of the path of most of the bullets.

" Kanan I feel a strange presence
I feel cold" Ezra said nervously to Kanan.

"I feel it to,I haven't felt a presence as strong as this since we battled the inquisitor ."Kanan replied.

Three shots hit the ship one after the other knocking everyone around inside. Hera needed to jump through hyperspace and Ahsoka who sat in the co-pilot's seat signalled co-ordinates to the ship's drive. But suddenly a wave came over her.

Kanan who stood behind her watched her get more and more disoriented.

"Darth... Vade...." she breathed but didn't get to finnish as her eyes rolled back and she fell to the ground.

"Ahsoka!" Shouted Ezra panicked.

Kanan picked her up. He felt how cold she was and got a chill through his spine. This cannot be good he thought to himself.

He looked around at Ezra who was holding the wall trying not to fall over he was breathing heavily.

"Ezra are you...." kanan was about to ask but Ezra collapsed whispering help as he fell.

Kanan then realised he felt his own body get weaker. He staggered over to Hera who was atempting to steer the ship and trying to see what was wrong.

"Hera .....somthings wrong ......keep him..away.....Darth...."
He stuttered but before he knew it he was out like a light.

"Kanan! EVERYONE! CONTROL ROOM! STAT!" she screamed through the coms.


"Vader the rebels are expected to jump through hyperspace.Shall we proceed with the emperial hyperspace tag"

"Yes Kallus but I wouldn't worry too much, all three Jedi are ..... not going to be a problem. Hahaha! !!!

Omgzies what do you think!!!!! Don't forget to vote and comment !!!!!!!

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