Chapter 3: My dad is a robot

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It might have been 100 degrees out, but I had goosebumps on my neck and arms. Mom waited until dad got home to start talking about our future. Me and Gabe had to wait in our room until mom told us it was time to come out. Mom is tan as Gabe and with eyes like his too, and hair red-ish-brown hair came to a stop near her shoulders. Dad is more like me, he is my tan color which is lighter than mom and Gabe, he has eyes like mine and his black hair is growing white hair. Mom called me and Gabe to come out and sit in the living room. "We have something to tell you...all the ancient greece things are real. There is a camp safe for demigods and no monster can hurt you there. Me and your father think it's best if you and Gabe go there." I hesitated to answer and looked around our apartment, behind us is the kitchen where Jill was eating the milk jug, not the milk just the jug, on it's left,my parents room. On our right was the front door, on it's left was my bedroom.
"We shouldn't go there we're not demigods," I was furious that my parents didn't tell me sooner. "Listen reina(queen), we didn't want to ruin your life with running away from danger." "Mom, dad I'm also a demigod right," "Why yes Gabe both of you are and we are going to rhode island for camp and you will be taught how to fight, be safe, and you will find other demigods just like you."
"Who are our godly parent then?" I pluterted the question without thinking about it, by my surprise my parents were alright with the question. "Olivia, I am a amatron that Daedalus made to protect you, your brother, and your mother no matter what. Your godly parent is for you to find out." I didn't want to be here anymore. The air felt thick with bad things that I don't want in me. I looked at my mom and dad, they looked good for their age but nothing can change my mind. I didn't want to go, I just stormed out of the living room, I wanted to scream, to cry, to just sit on my bed and be all by myself.I heard a faint knock on the door, "Go away," "Please let me in, I want to talk to you," I opened the door a little to see who it was. Of course it was my dad the robot. "There is nothing else to talk about you are a robot who just doesn't feel emotions" "I do have emotions. All the time I said "I love you" I really did mean it" "but the question is do you love mom" "with all my 3 hearts" "3 heart does that mean there are 3 people in there" I pointed to his chest. He gave me his laugh that I always adore. "Yes 3 people, your and gabe's godly parent and a normal person," "so you do have feelings," I felt like a ton of bricks just got lifted off my chest. I gave him a warm hug, he hugged me tightly too, until he left my room. Mom came in and started to pack my droopy backpack.

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