Chapter 6: Camp Half-Blood

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I looked in front of me and the doors open. Me,Jill, and Gabe got down with our luggage. We came to a forest and immediately I said, "Into the woods tadatada tadatada," Gabe just rolled his eyes and Jill didn't even knew I said that.We climbed the hill to the archway that said "Camp Half-Blood" but in greek. Me and Gabe looked at each other saying "How do we know what that is saying in greek." We entered the archway and I did actually feel protected. Man I miss mom and dad and I could feel that Gabe was thinking the same thing. That is another thing I can feel what kids are feeling,it is usually emotions than pain, and it works best with baby-17.So my brother fellings were really fuzzy. When we walked more I saw there was a big farm house, not the barn just the house. There was a cliff that looked over the cabins and the forest. The cabins were gorgeous and I could tell witch cabins for which god. We went to the house and stood on the porch of the house and sitting on a rocking chair sat the boy in my dreams.He had a blanket over his legs drinking what looked like apple juice through a straw.I felt that he was sad about his mom death. Gabe sat next to the kid and I sat on his laps like usually do. I hear a horse making it's way over here from the inside of the house. A man 50 years old with thinning brown, with white streaks hair, a scruffy beard, and eyes as old as the earth came in in a wheelchair.When he talked it was like a thousand bricks hit me hard with what he said. "You must be Olivia and Gabriel Paz, I have expecting you two." He pointed to the kid drinking what ever that was. "This is also a new camper he came here yesterday and felt alone" "He doesn't feel alone he feels guilty" I said quickly. I looked at chiron but he seemed unfazed like he knew my "power". The kid looked at us and his eyes were dazzling, blue and green combined ahhhhh that is adorable. "I am guessing your 12" I said to the kid who stop drinking "How do you know that I am sad when I didn't even look at you" "I don't know I just sense what kids are feeling emotionally and-" I didn't even get to finish what I was going to say when there was footsteps on the steps. A kid with light brown hair in a half mohawk walk on the porch with an orange shirt, that said Camp-Halfblood and beige cargo shorts. Chiron turns and says "Olivia this is Jake he will be showing you around and Percy you will come with me. "Gabe you will be taken by Clarissa", a tough girl with the same orange shirt as Jake was right next to him. Chiron continued with giving out orders, "and Jill you may go back to your work." Everybody did exactly what he said. I left my brother with that beast of a girl and walk with Jake. "sooo" he started "Who is your godly parent" "I don't know, who is yours" "Apollo" I should have known he had a bow on his back and a radiant glow. "Anyways this is where you will eat breakfast,lunch, and dinner. So when you hear a horn you come here for dinner." "cool," the place was like a old temple in greece with benches like the ones you would find on camping grounds, and there was a big fire pit right in the middle.The building around the camp all looked the same. Jake walk to giant fire and said, "This is where you give offerings to your godly parent or any god." I looked at him he looked at me and I noticed that his eyes were blue with some brown in them, they were gorgeous. Good thing that he didn't have my power because he would have known that I might-CRASH. I heard this big crash from a shed near the back of the camp. "What was that?" I asked, Jake didn't even answer he just started sprinting to the noise, I followed right behind him. People didn't seem to notice about the crash which was very suspicious.When he finally slowed there was nobody near the shed, it was very strange, Jake took my hand and we sprinted inside the shed.When we were inside he let go and turned on a little light, as my eyes were adjusting to the light I saw a lot of bronze looking swords,shields, armor,even arrows. "choose any weapon that feels right." I looked everywhere but none of those weapons looked right, Jake kept saying if this one was right and I giggled every time I said no, until I came across my necklace. I didn't take the necklace with me because I thought that I will  lose it, but noo it is really here next to a sword that was killer literally it's name was, THE KILLZER, both were in a little glass box that was kept safe and when I picked up the box and accidentally dropped the glass box.It shattered everywhere and I saw there was piece of paper under the sword it said, "Olivia this is your sword you might not know it but it will give you victory to your team or love ones if you use it. Your necklace is actually a holder for your sword. The way to store it is to put the butt of the sword on your O and the way to get it out is by pressing the emerald on the heart next to it, and it will magically appear in your hand." I swear I almost cried to see who gave me this sword at the bottom it said "Love your godly father" I slumped down on my knees and just sat there without doing anything. When Jake looked over he saw me and shook me, I looked in his eyes again, they looked like the beautiful sun in the sky. I snapped out of my daze and then saw that on the floor was my Spain bracelet. I got it when I was a little baby. I did what my father told me and it worked I put my bracelet on and touched it but nothing happened I touched it again nothing. I shrugged and went out of the shed with Jake. Jake showed me everything from the tree nymphs to open arena where you practice your fighting. When we got to the cabins I thought I almost died. Even though I have seen them before they still take my breath away. We came up to a cabin that actually look like a cabin. "Here we are cabin 11. The Hermes cabin," in front of me was percy and a blond girl. Jake and the blond girl looked at each other and can I say I didn't like that look.I felt like she was trying to flirt with him. The door was open and percy tripped like a fool. I help him keep his balance by holding his arm. "You ok," I asked,he just nodded shyly. A muscular guy came in front of us and said, "Regular or undetermined," the blond girl said "Both? Undetermined" everyone in the cabin groaned. The guy calmed everyone down then looked at me. I tried to read his emotions, but he was out of my range.He finally said "You can sleep over there," he pointed to a big spot in the back of the cabin. I walked in and went to my spot. I set down my bag and sleeping bag very carefully because I could sense that some kids here wanted to pull a prank on me. Then percy came over with that blond girl. I felt the same way that he did, not wanted and didn't want to be here. "Here," I tossed him my brothers sleeping bag. I am guessing he won't need it in his cabin. He took it and said "heh thanks I'm percy" "yeah I know. I am Olivia. I may have an accent because I'm from Spain," "Cool." Percy's tour guide the blond girl came in and said "Come on percy let's check out the volleyball court," she took his wrist and for a split second I could sense that percy had a crush on that girl.  Jake came to my little spot and said, "You should really keep a lock on that stuff because you know," he pointed to the other kids who were still laughing at percy. I felt bad for him it was only like 5 minutes and he already made a fool of himself. I looked back at Jake and saw that he was giving me a cute crooked smile, I looked away so that he couldn't see me blush. "So where should I put my stuff" "in these dwars," I saw a small drawer and put my small bag with my clothes and some how it fit. Jake said we should check in the big house for my schedule. The big house was like a normal house, with being 4 stories high. In the window I saw a shadow move the curtain and the hair in the back of my neck stood up a little. "What was that," I asked Jake. He looked at the window and said calmly oh that is just the prophecy up there," that sentence didn't calmed down my nerves. In this moment I believed everything that Jill told me. We went inside where a centaur is reading a book."Hello Jake and Olivia. Do you have something to tell me," "No sir  we are just here because Olive needs her schedule,"said Jake. I mean I could have said that, but I let him do it. "Ah yes it is right here," the centaur picked a piece of paper on the coffee table in front of the couch he was in front of. He handed me the piece of paper and said, "Why yes I am a centaur and my name is Chiron," with that we left the big house. We went back to the cabin era and saw that two soaked girls were carrying another soaked girl away. The out of the girl bathroom came out percy and his tour guide. What was weird is that she was soaked and he didn't have a drop of water on him. Word spread out that Percy made all of them wet with having the water come out of the toilet and doused them. I couldn't hold it anymore and just started laughing, Jake looked over and started laughing with me.After that he showed me other things that he didn't get yet. He looked at me and said  "Well I have other things to do but meet me in this era," "Ok. Hey can I ask you something," he looked at me and said "Yeah sure what is it," "How do people not notice the things us half-bloods do," he stopped for a second and then said "It is called the mist. It is like a veil that covers anything god like to mortals." "Oh thanks that is all I needed." Jake walked to the forest for his other things. I saw percy walking to the cabin era so I catched up to him. "Hey," I said, "Sup," "So anything new," "No just learning more about this new life," "I am sorry about your mom," I regretted saying it when I looked over to see him clearly. "I am soo sorry. I didn't mean to say that," "No it is alright, but I just don't feel like she is completely gone," we walked back to the cabin in silence.

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