Chapter 20: Finally Here

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The Helm of darkness was in the water, and Percy picked it up. I still saw that he was in water form so I concentrated to make him whole again. As he did turn back I heard flapping sounds coming from behind me and saw those evil bat ladies. I tried to run and and warn Percy but it was too late the ladies were already there, yet they were not fighting or scratching him they were just talking. I walked back to the rock where my friends were and they were amazed. They kept saying how awesome I was yet I wasn't in the mood. I kept thinking about what Ares said, all he said was that only Percy made a bad enemy, just him not me. I keep feeling like I am in his shadow, but am I really in his shadow. I don't know I am too confused and tired to think about it I have to just wait until I am sure that the bolt is safe and that I can relax for once.
I finally came out of my daze and rejoined them on shadows back. The sun was still coming in and I had a brilliant idea, but that would never work. All that I felt was tiredness and dizzy so I said to Shadow to take as far as he can walking until he wants to shadow travel again. I fell asleep easily on Jake's chest with listening his heart and his feelings. The dream that I had was that Percy was on a plane scared like he is going to get zapped out of the plane. I also saw that the camps had been fighting more than usual about who is on who side. A voice came down under me laughing it's cold laugh and the voice said, "Now what was that little one? You barely fought. I wonder why? Maybe it was because of your brother about getting all the attention. You should just join me you will be the queen that will be next to the king that once was a leader." Laughing again and I woke up. The night was almost here and we were close only like 300 miles before we come to Empire State Building. I was still tired yet I had more energy than before.
Finally we made it yet I told Jake and Jill to take Shadow back to camp because this business was private. They both hesitated to answer but they knew I was serious right now. I took some of the money we had and called for a cab. The cab took me a block away from the entrance. I walked into the lobby and saw a boy in the front desk with a wizard book. I like fantasy but more with princess and princes. Anyways I said to the guy "I need to see Zeus if he is in olympus," the guy barely even looked up and said, "Sorry he won't see anybody today or for the next lifetime," I finally snapped because I have been through guiltiness, weariness, upsetness, and feeling like I was in the shadow to be stood up by this guy so I bent over by the desk pulled on shirt so he could see me better and said in a whisper tough voice, "You better let me see him or I swear I will freeze you up in a block of ice and have sharks surround you forever until it feels good to let you up." I guess that was enough to make him hand over a key. He said the next sentence in a cracking voice, "make sure no one is in the elevator with you and insert the key and press the button," I took the key from him and said thank you and went to the elevator.

Daughter of Poseidon book 1: I'm new at thisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon