Chapter 14: Fight with an Ares Child

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I don't exactly know what happened all I felt was my body taking over making me do this, and already have a plan in my head. She sliced the air where I used to be at, with quick speed I moved. I swear this fight might have looked like a fight from dragonball Z. When all the dust flew away, I saw me and Clarissa standing with our backs facing each other. "Hahaha what a nice cliche" I said. I snapped my fingers and down she went. The audience was quiet at first then they roared, I was scared that the columns of seats were going to crumble down. The blue pegasus swooped down to the ground and landed right next to me. I stroked her under her chin and said to clarissa who was still on the ground, "I guess she is my lucky charm," I looked at the blue pegasus and said "I think I will call you Abby," she sniffed my hand so I took that as a yes. I guess I forgot that all the campers were there until I heard a slam of diet coke. I looked at the box in the front and saw a approval look on Dionysus face. He stood up like any god would and said, "We seem like we have a winner. Olivia come up and take your glory." I took some ice that I used on Clarissa and made a little staircase up to the box. The podium was like any kind of opera box you would see. Dionysus was holding an olive branch headband thing. " You are honored with the olive branch which means that you are now, a classified hero." Dionysus placed the headband on my head, and can I say I must've looked fantastic in that. I raised and saw all the campers cheering my name, except Drew and Clarissa. I pouted and pointed to me like, "Was it my fault." Clarissa's face was burning bright red and Drew just sashayed out the coliseum.
I was expecting a celebration that night, but I just felt so tired. I went to my cabin and saw a fountain rainbow there. I searched in my pocket for something, but there was nothing in there. I changed to my One Direction pjs and went to bed. My dream this time was that Percy,Annabeth, and another satura were in this casino type thing and playing games. I tried to give a signal to percy but all that came out was nothing. I finally got him a signal that everyone is from different years. He finally got the message and was searching for the rest of the group. In the middle of the Casino was a red car that I think was a honda. Anyways Percy and the gang left the casino.

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