Chapter 18: Eartquake

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The weird sensation came again when traveling with the twist of my stomach, and once again we are somewhere that I don't even know. The sign said "Thanks for coming to Nevada, hope to see you again," I then realized that we were close to Percy because I was getting a snippet of emotions. "Guys we are close wake up," "Olivia we already were up," said Jill looking like a little scared and tired. "Shadow can you go a little faster please," I asked Shadow, he barked excited and started running like there was a bone at the end of the street. The wind was an amazing feeling with it blowing my hair and the whispers of wind nymphs (or whatever they are called). I could feel a bad trembling from the ground and told Shadow to go a little faster I could sense that Percy was in huge trouble. I tried to close my eyes for a second and a flash of Percy having the bolt in his hand came through for a split second. I opened again to see the normal, but I was scared to death thinking that Percy really did take the bolt. Yet how could he, he would never do such a thing, he is a good guy, why would I see that? I felt another shake in the ground and this time it was stronger than before. We held tight to each other trying not to fall off of Shadow. Shadow leaped and sidestepped everything until it was safe to stop. When we saw what had happened the sun was rising and so was the commotion. I picked up more of a sense of Percy in Los Angeles and lucky for us Shadow was ready to shadow travel and knew exactly where to go. I guess Shadow still had more willpower to shadow travel yet as he did I was getting used to this and felt better this time.

Daughter of Poseidon book 1: I'm new at thisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant