Chapter 21: Hello person...god?

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The elevator was empty and as soon as the doors closed I put in the key and a 600 button was there. I pressed it and up went the elevator. I liked the music yet I didn't know what song this was.Anyways as the doors opened I saw that there was a narrow stone walkway that was on clouds that was on above of Manhattan. There were marble staircases and I could see the end until I told myself and saw again that there was a mountain with snow on the top. There were palaces on the mountain and mansions with white columns and terraces with a fire pit in there, it was all so dazzling. It all looked new like a Greece city but new and clean. I felt like here was where I belonged I even saw a palace where I might consider living.The whole place was beautiful tree nymphs playing around, hawk were selling to me saying "Does this pretty lady want to buy a pretty necklace," I said no thank you, and continued with reaching the throne room. The 9 muses were about to play a song but I couldn't be distracted, there were satyrs and naidis hanging around with young teenagers. For some reason I felt really connected to them. One of them even smiled and waved to me, I smiled and waved back and kept walking. I made it to the peck where a small garden welcomed me and a path towards the throne room. I heard footsteps coming so I hide behind one of the trees. As I peaked a little I could see percy with scratches and bruised, even with all that he felt like a lot of pressure left him so I am guessing that he already returned the bolt. I moved a little and he looked a little and shrugged and went back to walking home. I slipped through the door and saw that there were huge thrones with different things on it. I saw a huge fire pit in the middle like the one in camp. There was also a man there 12 foot high in bermuda triangle shorts and wearing a shirt with parrots and coconuts on it. I walked over to him with confidence even though I was shaking. He looked over and smiled the way my robot dad smiles. I got the courage and said "Hello father." "My daughter! My beautiful daughter! Look how you've grown the last time I saw you when I was fully a god was when you were born," "Yes father I became this," I tried to hide my fear and said if I can sit with him because my feet hurt. He said yes a little too quick to make suspicious but I didn't care. We smiled at each other and I finally said, "Father why do I have 2 parents unlike the other demigods," Poseidon thought of this very carefully and said, "Olivia soon you will find that you could either destroy or save the world." This made me think very careful because I have been thinking of the laughing voice in the pit. "Sir in the pit there is something that will kill us all unless we do something and I may have a plan," Poseidon laughed and said that I have the wisdom almost like Athena's. I made him come closer and whispered in his ear about the plan that I had about how we can defeat this thing. Which I didn't tell him was Kronos the crooked one, the one that Zeus cut up eons ago. He put me back down on the ground and whistled. I hear a faint niegh and out of the clouds came the blue body and the white mane, "Abby," I said in amazement, "What are you doing here girl," "You need a ride back to camp and this little mare wants to take you over there," "Thank you father for everything," "It was my pleasure now go and don't forget that I always will love you." I went on top of Abby and she sped away into the clouds and out of olympus.

Daughter of Poseidon book 1: I'm new at thisWhere stories live. Discover now