Chapter 16: The mist

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I have never knew that shadow traveling could be so weird. Shadow jumped into his shadow and we just vanished into darkness. I was holding on to Shadow fur and didn't even noticed that Jake was holding me close to him. When we finally saw light we were in a different place that seemed familiar to me. We were walking around trying to find a place to eat, until I noticed that we were in springfield,IL. "Guys we are in springfield illinois and it is late in the night. Do you know what this means," "It means that Shadow has to take a rest. Shadow traveling cost a lot of energy," said Jake who was still holding on to me. "Jake is right Shadow has to rest let's walk a little and see how far we can go until we can shadow travel again," said Jill that was looking around for a hill. I noticed that we were on the road and and nobody was looking at us weird or calling the police I wondered why this was happening. "Why hasn't anyone called the police. I mean we are on a huge dog," I ask Jill. She responded with something that I don't understand, she said "It is the mist. You can say it is a veil that keeps the mortal eyes from seeing what demigods see." We walked until we saw a hill that seem perfect to eat something. The hill laid in the front on a nice park with a festival going on. We jumped off of Shadow and walked towards the festival. The man at the ticket booth stopped us and said "what do you think you are doing you can't bring that truck in here it is only for walking and not driving," I was confused about what he said then remember what Jill said about the mist and mortal eyes not seeing anything. "Sorry sir we will tell our family to park somewhere and we will come right back," said Jill pushing us back to Shadow. "What are we doing here we have a to be somewhere," said Jill very mother like, "Relax Jill we will just go inside eat a little something and come back by then Shadow should be ready to shadow travel again," said Jake calmly. Jill struggled to say ok, yet I knew that she also wanted to go inside. I told Shadow to take a quick rest and bark when he was ready to travel again. We came back to the front and this time the ticket booth man didn't stop us. The fair seems like any fair, rides, food, and activities. There was a stand with pretzels and smoothies, another one had hot dogs, one with cotton candy, I felt like I was in food heaven. Jill was ordering some hot dogs and pretzels, while me and Jake were talking on the grass, until I noticed that he had a cute bead necklace, "so what is that," I said pointing to his necklace. "Oh this. This is just what you get every summer you are there at camp," "and you have 3 beads," his expression seemed sad and like he had a bad story. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," "No, no it's ok. My mom is hard to understand. One day she is happy the next day she is threatening me. Me and my uncle,from mom side of course, were trying to get her to therapy to let her feeling go and tell us what has been happening to her. All she said was that I had to go to this camp, and stay there until it was safe to come back in the real world."

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