Chapter 22: That's it folks

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As I came down towards the top of the camp I could see Luke practicing his conjuring. Then when he finished there came out a scorpion and he whispered something to it and gave an evil eye to me when he saw me looking. I told Abby to keep going until we were almost on top of the stables. She swooped down and landed with a perfect ready position, wait how did I know what the perfect position is for horses is?! Oh right Poseidon is the the god of horses too. Anyways I put Abby back on her little spot, cleaned and fed her and walked back to my cabin. I thought of all I was been through and wanting to go back to not knowing I was about to curse until I realized that wasn't the problem. The problem was how I was taking this, if I am going to be a hero like Thalia I have to take this problem differently. What if this quest change my life and how I see it? What if when Luke saw me he felt that he has to kill me, yet the crooked one said I will be the queen that will be next to the king who once lead. It all made sense now, Luke was a leader of the cabin 11 and he was conjuring up a scorpion which is not allowed in the camp, Luke is the king! I was starting to hyperventilate, "Kronos wants me to be the queen" I said while I starting to sweat. I was about to scream when I heard a laugh behind me, yet it wasn't like the one in the pit, it sounded more like a normal guy. "Why yes Olivia I am the king and if you come with me you will never be in the dark and together we will rule the world," I hesitated with answering and said, "I will never go with you! You are the reason I fight and I want to protect my love ones not destroy them or hurt them." I pushed him to the ground with all my strength, he tumbled over and said, "oh come on we don't have to get married all you have to do is rule with me." He disappeared back in the shadows while laughing and felt like I was just another piece of in this chess game and the only way to win is to make it through all of the attacks. I heard a faint knock on the door and saw that it was Gabe, "Come quick Percy is back and try to make something pretty like a banner or something," I saw that there was a shrouds on the other bunk that was blue with waves, trident, dolphins, and just for a little bit more glam I drew Ariel from the little mermaid and add some jewels on it. I raced outside where the Ares cabin made one for him and it looked ridiculous, I let him burn that one then said that I made one and gave him the one that was on the bunk. "Well I already burn the other one so I will keep this one or remembering this journey," said Percy like he was the king of the world. That night we had a celebration and I am glad that no one told Chiron or Dionussy where we were. The Apollo cabin gave out s'mores and lead the sing-along which was fun and I was hanging around with my brothers and my friends. Jake was singing with his beautiful voice (I can't believe I just said that) and Jill was partying with Augus. Everything was good I still kept an eye out for Luke but he didn't show any signs.
For the next few weeks Percy has been really happy and it made me happy. Everything was like it was supposed to be like. Percy finally got a letter from his mom and she even said that I could spend a weekend with them in every holiday or whenever. I told Percy to thank her for me when he sees her again. On the fourth of July we saw beautiful fireworks that cabin 9 did and it was better than any other fireworks. They did all sorts of stuff like Hercules, Athen, George Washington (Son of Athena.It supprised me too.) Jake was next to me smiling like there is no tomorrow and I felt that he too liked- "Hey guys," I was cut off by Jill who was walking toward us with a child in her hands. "Hey Jill who is this cutie pie," "This is my cousins baby her name is Taylor," "That is a really good name for her," said Jake who was still looking at the fireworks fighting. "Ha ha ha very funny Jake but no he called her that because he is going on to find a demigod and he is taking her with him so he gave her a mortals name," "Wow that is dangerous," I said, "Well my cousin is dangerous so I guess he would do that," said Jill as she sat down with Taylor.
July went by pretty fast I was going into the water a lot to talk to father about our plan, and me and Percy were making strategies for capture the flag. The end of the summer was coming all too quickly, we had our last meal together as a camp and then we all got our beads me and Percy got trident beads, and Gabe got a boars head, when Luke was giving me mine he said, "Here you go my Queen," I whispered to him "Keep telling me that, I always stay on the good side," I walked away feeling like an explosion just happened and I was looking all cool. The next day I got a letter from Dionysus saying that I had to say if I was going to stay or leave by the end of the day. I made my decision easy yet I had to tell my family first. I went to the lake and made an ark out of ice and as the rainbow was forming I threw in a drachma. "Who would you like to call," said the rainbow person, "I would like to see Jazmin Paz," "Hold for a sec," and in one second I could see my mom working. When she looked up she was surprised and said, "Olivia! Hi sweetie how have you been," "Good mom and I am coming home."

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