Chapter 13: Cool horse

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I heard a faint neigh from the shed. I walked all the way over to the shed and open the door. A wave of of hay air comes rushing towards me. I look inside to see what all the commotion was about. There inside the shed were beautiful horses I walked by all of them they neighed and bucked to get out. Then in the last stall there was a little horse that was blue with a white mane. I look down on her and she bonked her head on the door. "You want to get out don't you," she looked up and nodded her blue head. "I will let you free but you have to stay around the camp, Ok," the horse nodded again and I pulled off the little latch thing. She walked out step by step, looked at me and raced out the door. I heard screaming and yelling outside so I ran out too. The horse was not a usual horse this horse had wings as blue as the sky. Campers were trying to capture the horse with traps and nets. I ran to the water and made a little spiral going up while trying to flip in the air and land on the pegasus back. It went well until I grabbed the horse's rein. I never really knew how to control a horse, but I tried my best. I pointed us toward the ground and when we hit the ground all the traps sprung up and over us. I could barely even see anything because, there was a paper bag over my head! I heard stomping coming over. It felt like I was a witch and the other campers were the townspeople that want to burn me. "Ok who let that pegasus out of it's stable", I heard some guy said. The paper sack felt nice now because I will need somewhere to hide my face after all this. The trap felt lighter and the sunlight hit my eyes, and standing in front of me was the handsomest guy at camp. "You ok," he said. He moved his hand forward towards me and I took it. " I-I-I," I stuttered. My face felt hot and my nose and cheeks might look like a tomato. His eyes light blue made me lose my voice.He was the same guy in cabin 11 all I could sense was that he was up to something, and I am not telling Clarissa about it. He lifted me up and said, "I am luke castellan , you must be new here because you let the pegasus out of it's stable," still looking in his light blue eyes I said, "Uh-huh" "Don't worry about what happen here we get it every time with a new comer," I could barely speak but I got the courage to speak, "uhhhhhh, Yeah I am new here and my name is Olivia," "Oh right you are Percy little sister, you were in our cabin right," "hehe, yeah," he looked at the pegasus and said" Actually you can fly her if you have the guts," "Oh I can do that," "sure but she is very feisty," "I think I got it." He and some other campers left me with the blue feisty pegasus. "Ok if I am going to fly with you we have to connect," I took the ropes and nets off of her. She stood up and sniff my hand I try to pet her but she sniffed it away. I tried one more time, more slowly. I touched her white mane and it felt so soft like a pillow. I went to her side and climbed on her saddle and grabbed the rein. I tapped her with on the side with my foot, and she started trotting around. "Ok girl time to fly. Now take it slow this time." She didn't do that, I felt the wind hitting me in the face. She looked up and started spinning. I tried to point us down start to the water,but she had other plans.she swooped so hard I almost lost my breakfast. She pointed us to the arena where me and Clarissa were going to fight. I looked at the sun and knew why people said "you lose track of time while having fun," the sun was about a minute to be right smack in the middle of the sky. The blue pegasus flew all the way down to the arena and landed smoothly like she has done this a million times. I jump of to see that Clarissa was already waiting. "I see you have brought a charm with you, but that won't work at all," she seemed so confident in her words. "Listen Clarissa I hope you didn't eat a lot because you are about to get mega served," I said this with ease like I have done this a million times. I looked around the arena and saw that all the campers were there to see the fight, even the satura! In a little box there was the camp director Dionysus which I haven't met yet but everyone is telling me that he is very strict and hates this place. Next to him was chiron in full centar mode. There was a girl in the middle of us with a race car flag and in really hot pink eye liner. I yelled to the girl and said, "Hey hon here is a tip use neutral colors because that hot pink isn't working for you at all. Like really where are you going to a club." That probably made her extremely mad because she looked at clarissa and said, "Clarissa you better kick her little butt or else," the look on Clarissa's face was tense like she knew what pink eyeliner girl means by "or else." "Don't tell me what to do Drew," and with that comment Drew waved down the flag and the fight commenced.

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