Chapter 9: I capture a dog and a flag

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That story really made me feel that I have to be the best hero like her. The best hero until I die."Jill are you a keeper," "No, not anymore I already did my job," "Then why are you here," "I see that I am  still needed her to keep the kids in check and teach new satyr about the way of Pan," "Pan who is that," "He is the god of nature. Most satyrs die trying to find him.," "that makes sense," we finished talking about other things in the real world music, food, and celebrities.She seems the kind of friend who would like you no matter what. After dinner everyone was excited especially the Ares kids. Percy's girlfriend (I think her name was Annabeth,) and 2 of her siblings were holding a flag with an owl and olive tree. Then Clarissa and 2 of her siblings were holding a flag that looked red as blood with a boars head on it. Chiron cleared his throat "Here are the rules, the red team which is lead by Clarissa,will have a privilege to keep one hermes kid and everyone else," He pointed to the left of the lake and said, "And the blue team lead by Annabeth will have the Hermes and Apollo. The objective is to get the flag and return it to your own erae. So let's get started, Clarissa choose your hermes kid." Clarissa's eyes looked fierce with anger and hate, I could sense that her dad is very strict and that she is having daddy issues. Her eyes went from person to person. Finally she pointed at me and said, "I choose you, you little worm,"  I walked all the way over to her and my brother gave me a thumbs up. Chiron continued with the players and he then said "So without further to do let the games begin." He moved his hands and everything from the shed and was there.Clarissa made everyone move to where the flag was going to be. I walked with the other kids to our site to get ready for the game to start, Clarissa was telling everyone where they go and if they were offense or defense. When she got to me she scowled and said "You will stay with the flag near the little stream just in case anyone comes," I did exactly what she told me, when everybody left. I heard rustling in the leaves and I touched my bracelet for no reason and out came a dog except it was a black dog and a lot bigger than the usual doberman. I lifted my arm and the dog didn't attack me all I heard was a little pain from the dog. I saw it there just lying there already to die, I raised my sword and looked at the dog. I couldn't do it he was in too much pain.I dropped my sword and said to the dog "Leave boy before I turn you into sand," the dog still just laid there like it was a vacation home. I walked away from the dog and back to the flag. The doberman followed me all the way to the flag. I looked at him he looked at me, I leaned forward to let him sniff my hand and he did and then I tried to pet him,and he let me! We played around a bit together and then i said "If I am going to keep you I will have to call you something," I thought about this ever since I knew dogs exist, then finally I came up with something. "Shadow! I think I will call you Shadow," apparently shadow liked his name because he started barking and jumping around. "Shhh we don't want people to know you are here yet." When I said that he stopped barking and jumping and he got serious. We waited a while longer until I couldn't take it anymore and just jumped in the water. The water felt warm and when I tried to breath, I could! Killzer was glowing white and I saw that my clothes and hair aren't getting wet at all. The water felt so good that I felt myself materialize into water. I looked at my hands and say that they were water! I jumped out of the water and tried to think about what just happened. I felt like I was forming into human again. I touched the water and it turned into ice, I touched it with my foot, Ice! I took these powers into an advantage and just turned to water. I could see the blue flag all the way from the rock, I sneaked right behind the person that was guarding the flag. I saw percy battling with some of clarissa's siblings.
Then I saw this was amazing until I heard shadow bark I looked over and saw our cabin counselor was taking the red team flag.  I took caution on taking the flag without making a sound. When I had the flag I sanked back to the stream and swam over by the our flag, but I stopped and remembered that I can turn water to ice, so I got up (still in water form) and made a little slide out of ice. I jumped up and slide all the way over to our flag, and as I was sliding I saw percy swinging away in the water with Clarissa I slided faster and faster and faster, until I stopped and Yelled out "Red team I have brought us victory to our team." Everyone stared and Clarissa came through the woods and when she saw me she dropped percy on the ground. Red team yelled with excitement, but when they looked at me again they stopped, and had their mouth wide open. My brother pushed everyone away from him and looked at me with amazement "Olivia you're being claimed" "Huh?" I looked at the top of my head, a trident was over my head and glowing blue. I looked at everyone and Shadow jumping out of the bushes and landed on percy. "Shadow down now," he did what I said with percy laying down and groaning. I made my way over there and said to percy "are you ok". He groaned a little and then Annabeth said "Put him in the water,"  I made a little ice river and turned it to water, they put him and the water and I looked at Shadow and said "Shame shadow you should know better than attack a normal person," everyone looked at me like I was crazy then at percy and I looked too. "Percy you are my brother."

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