Water Doesn't Wash Away Everything 4

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Meg sat on the living room couch with her laptop sitting on the table in front of her. She didn’t touch it, didn’t move the move the mouse, just stared at it. Her hands twitched in her lap as she stared at the screen. She needed to talk to someone in her family. She would call them but she didn’t have the money to afford long distance.

When she had woke up today the guys were all gone. She had found a note from Alex saying he would be back soon. She bounced her leg up and down and bit her thumb nail.

Come on, come on. Someone get on.

When her father’s face appeared on the screen she almost screamed.


“Hey hun,” her dad’s smile was tired but it wasn’t pained, that was a good sign.

“How’s Tony?”

“They kept him over night but he should be out soon.”

“What was wrong?”

“He was having horrible bone pain.”

“Poor guy. Is he going to be ok?”

“He should be,” he smiled.

He should be. Even if it was supposed to be a reassurance it still made Megan a bit uneasy.

He should be. They say that he will be ok but there is still a part in it that holds doubt. The ‘should’ part made her queasy.

“Where’s mum?”

“Still at the hospital. I came back to see if I could talk to you and grab some clothes.”

“Oh,” she said. “Did they say how long he’s going to stay in the hospital?”

He shook his head. “They’re unsure. Just have to see how he does.”

She nodded and heard the front door open.

“Honey I’m home!” Alex sang. She laughed slightly and her dad rose a brow.

“Do you want to talk to Alex?” she asked him and Alex sat down next to her on the couch.

“Hey Mr. Keats,” Alex said waving.

“Well you don’t look a tad like the last Alex I saw.” Alex and Meg laughed.

“Yea I’ve changed a bit since then,” Alex chuckled.

“So how are you?”

“I’m good, sir. And you?”

“You can get rid of the sir talk. Just call me Thomas. You should know that.”

“Ok,” he chuckled.

“You’re keeping a good eye on my daughter aren’t you?”

“Dad,” she groaned.

“I think I am,” Alex said. “You would have to ask her though.”

“You don’t have to you worry about me. You know that.”

“I still do. I should be getting back to the hospital. Bye to the both of you. I miss you Megan.”

Megan him a small smiled, kissed her fingertips, and the waved. He smiled and then he was gone. She took a deep breath and Alex nudged her.


“You ok?”

“Yes, they said Tony should get out soon.”

“He will. Don’t worry.” She nodded and he kissed the top of her head before getting up.

“We’re going out to eat tonight. Feel like coming?” She stood up and went into the kitchen where he was at.

“Yea sounds like fun. Who’s going?”

“Me, you, Jack, Zack, Rian, and his girlfriend Kara.” She nodded and leaned against the counter.

“Kara’s kind of been bugging me about meeting you. She wants to meet the girl who can stand being my best friend for so long.”

Meg laughed. “I think I like her already. And why am I such good friends with you?”

“Because you love me!” Alex gave her a smile big and she laughed softly.

“What time are we leaving?”

“I don’t know. Around 7:30 or something.” She glanced over at the clock to see it saying seven.

“Ok,” she nodded. “I’m going to go change.”

“Okay,” he replied and started playing with his phone. She went to the guest room and opened her suitcase. She hadn’t unpacked yet, she hadn’t felt like it. She searched through her bags until she found some jeans. Meg popped her head out the door.

“Alex, where are we going?” she called down the hallway.

“Just to a diner around here.”

She went back to her bags and grabbed a pale blue long sleeve shirt and a black hoodie. Megan ran her brush through her hair and left it down. She slipped on her converse and headed back out to the kitchen.

“You ready?” She smiled and nodded.

This will be fun. No worrying about Tony.

Water Doesn't Wash Away Everything (Zack Merrick)Where stories live. Discover now