Chapter 27

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Sorry these chapters are so short :(


8 months later.

Zack stared blankly at the movie screen. He glanced over at the girl who he was practically being forced to go on a date with. He didn’t want to be there. At all.

“I’ll miss you,” the actor on the screen said.

“I’ll miss you too,” the leading lady replied.

“Wait for me?”

“Of course.”

Zack scoffed and the girl glared at him. She crossed her arms and looked back at the screen.

Zack hated this lovey-dovey crap since…well, she left. He tried for five months to get a hold of her but failed each time. He made phone calls to any phone number he could find. All of them went unanswered. The guys had finally got sick of his moping around and sent him on a blind date.

It’s not like it helped any. If anything, it made it worse. Everything this girl would do--he already forgotten her name, it started with an ‘s’--he would just think of…Megan.

The way Meg would avert her eyes and bite her lip when she was nervous. The way he relaxed under her touch. The way she kissed him.

After the movie had finally ended Zack drove what’s-her-name to her apartment. They sat in silence the whole ride with the radio going.

“Thanks. It was nice meeting you Zack,” she said getting out of the car.

“Goodnight,” he mumbled as the door slammed shut.

Zack turned the radio up louder and drove back to his house. He sighed once he entered the door. He went into his bedroom and slipped off his shirt. He flopped down on his bed and glanced over at his night table.

He stretched his arm out to grab the necklace. Zack soothed his thumb over it and looked at it as if it would take him back in time.

Sitting up, he grabbed his phone and dialed a number.

Chello?” Alex answered. “How’d the date go?

“Hey. I need your help with something.”

Water Doesn't Wash Away Everything (Zack Merrick)Where stories live. Discover now