Chapter 16

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When they pulled away they had smiles on their faces.

“They’ll probably start banging on the door soon,” Megan said quietly. Zack chuckled before kissed her lips softly once more.

“I’m surprised they already haven’t.” Meg laughed softly and stood up with him. He grabbed her hand and went to the door but she stopped.

“What?” he asked looking back at her.

“How awkward do you think this will be?” she asked. He chuckled.

“Probably a lot, knowing them.” He pulled her out into the hallway and then out into the living room. No one was there.

“Where’d they go?” he muttered.

“Hello?” Megan called out. They turned around when they heard a burst of laughter come from the back yard. They went out the back door to see them sitting in the grass and talking.

“Hey!” Jack sang when he saw them.

“Everything alright between you two?” Kara asked. Meg smiled and looked up at Zack. He smiled back and nodded looking at her still.

“You guys are already making me gag,” Alex mumbled.

“Kiss her!” Jack suddenly yelled. They both rose a brow at him. “Do it! Do it!”

Megan laughed and Zack turned towards her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought his lips to hers. The four of them cheered while they kissed.

“You guys are so weird,” Zack mumbled with his arm still around Megan.

“And you’re mean,” Jack retorted. Megan laughed and shook her head smiling.

How she loved her friends.


“Hello bus!”

Megan laughed as Jack plopped onto the couch of the tour bus.

“Jack, get your lazy butt up,” Matt said then turned to Megan. “Hey, I’m Matt.”

“Hi. I’m Megan.”

“Yea, Zack told me about you.” She smiled and tried to hide the blush that was forming on her cheeks.

“The other guys are doing stuff that I’m actually supposed to be doing but I decided not to,” he explained and sat down on the couch.

“And you called me lazy?” Jack asked.

“Yup,” Matt replied. Three guys came onto the bus.

“Whoa, hot chick!” one of them exclaimed and made Megan blush.

“Careful there Vinny, she’s with Zack,” Matt warned.

“Oh, ok. Yea, sorry, but I like my face in the arrangement it is,” Vinny said to Megan. “I’m Vinny.”

“Megan,” she smiled. “Nice to meet you.”

“Aw, come on. She’s British too?!”

“See! I wasn’t the only one!” Jack yelled.

“Why yes, she is British,” Zack said coming onto the bus. He jokingly glared at Vinny. “Stay away.”

He kissed Meg on the cheek and then grabbed a water out of the mini fridge. Megan glanced over at Zack through the corner of her eye. It’s been three days since the party that they threw her, and the past three days have been amazing.

“Megan, this is Evan, Grieco, and Danny,” Vinny said pointing to all of the guys that we’re now on the bus. She made a small wave to all of them. Alex and Rian came onto the bus. Kara wasn’t coming because of school.

“Let’s do this!” Alex yelled. They all laughed and the conversation went on from there. It was going to a be a few hours before they got to their first spot. Zack wrapped his arm around Megan as they sat on the couch together. Rian was on the other side of Megan.

Meg pulled out her phone when it started buzzing in her pocket. Her brow furrowed when she saw the word ‘home’.

“Hello? Mum?” she said into the phone. She got up and headed into the back lounge so she could hear better. Alex and Zack looked at her leave then glanced at each other.

“Why was her mom calling….” Alex trailed off. Then it hit him. “Tony.”

Zack got up quickly and went to the back lounge. He opened the door and saw Megan sitting on the couch. She was smiling, which was a good sign.

“I’m so happy!” she said smiling widely. Zack sat down next to her and waited patiently.

“I love you too mum. Bye.” She shut her phone and turned to Zack.

“Tony’s going into surgery in a couple of weeks. He’s going to be ok!” Zack sighed with relief.

“That’s great,” he exclaimed and brought Meg into a hug. An uneasy feeling grew in his stomach. Did this mean she was leaving?

“Um, does this mean you want to….” He trailed not wanting to say it. Megan sighed and touched Zack’s cheek gently.

“Tony will be ok without me. I’m going to stay here.” Zack brought Meg into another hug quickly and sighed in relief. She laughed softly.

“I’m really glad your brother’s ok but I’m also really glad you’re staying.”

“Yea, me too.”

The door suddenly slammed opened by Alex.

“Is Tony ok? Why’d your mom call?” he demanded.

“He’s going into surgery in a couple of weeks,” Megan said.

“What does that mean?!”

“He’s going to be ok,” Meg smiled just as widely as she did earlier.

“Yes!” Alex tackled Megan in a hug and she started laughing. They talked a few more minutes with Alex still sitting on top of Megan.

“Rian!” Alex yelled getting up. “I want food!”

“Get it yourself!” he yelled back. Alex shut the door behind him and went back into the front lounge. Megan laughed softly and laid her head on Zack’s chest. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arm tightly around her. He reached carefully and grabbed the blanket. He put it around them and set his head atop of hers.

“Goodnight Zack,” Megan whispered with her eyes closed.

“Night baby,” he whispered back. She smiled and snuggled up more to him.

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