Chapter 9

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“Tell the truth!” Alex yelled as soon as Zack opened the door.

“About what?”

“About Meg!”        

Zack sighed and then turned around to walk back into the foyer. Alex shut the door behind him and followed Zack. “I don’t know,” Zack muttered. Yes I do.

“Do you like her?”

“Maybe.” Yes.

“Hmm,” Alex grunted. “I was thinking about asking her to go with us on tour.”

“Ok.” Zack said picking up a magazine off the counter and flipping through it. Alex knew he wasn’t looking at him for a reason. Alex threw his head back and yelled, “Ok! That’s it! I’m leaving now. Tell me when you decide to stop being a moron!”

Zack watched his friend leave the kitchen. He sighed and called after him.

“Yes?” Alex said raising a eyebrow. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

“Is there something you would like to tell me?” he asked. He then added with a British accent, “Maybe about someone with a accent similar to this?”

Zack narrowed his eyes and threw the magazine at him. “Ok, fine, I like her. I like her a lot, but-I don’t know…”

“I knew it!!!” Alex screamed. “Why did you keep denying it?”

He shrugged. “I thought maybe you would be mad.”

“Well, I’m not, just so you know that. I think you guys would be good together.”

“Plus, I’ve only known her for a few weeks.”


“And plus, what if something happens and she has to go back home?”

“You figure that out if that happens.”


“You have a lot what if’s, don’t you?” Alex accused.

Zack looked down and muttered, “Yea.”

“I think you should talk to her, tell her how you feel.”

“What if-“

“Stop with the what if’s!”

“How do I even know if she likes me?” he asked ignoring Alex’s exclamation.

“Dude, that’s why you have to talk to her! And besides, I think she might like you too.”

Zack ran a hand threw his hair. “I don’t know…I just, I just have to think.”

“Whatever.” He glanced at the clock on the microwave. “Me and Meg were going to go out to lunch, wanna come?”

Zack bit his lip and was hesitant about answering. He wanted to go and see Megan but he didn’t want to barge in on her and Alex’s lunch. Alex took notice of his hesitation and rose a brow.

“You sure you don’t care?”

“I wouldn’t of asked you if I cared,” Alex replied in an obvious tone.

“Ok, let me go get my shoes.” Alex shook his head slowly at Zack.

“You’re so weird,” he muttered at him.

“Me?! Look at you!” he called over his shoulder. A small smile formed on Zack’s lips as he slipped on his shoes. Meg’s face came into his mind and he couldn’t wait to see her.


“Alex, I don’t have a car.”

“Ah, but Zack does.”


“Yep, Zack Merrick. You know him.” Alex could have easily went to go pick up Megan himself but he wanted Zack to do it. He just needed to tell Zack that.

“Yes I know him. Why can’t you just pick me up?” she asked him. Megan had decided something after yesterday when she, Alex, and Zack went out to lunch. She was going to try her best just to be friends with Zack Merrick. It took much pacing and muttering to herself in her room, but she made the decision and she was going to stick to it.

If Zack picked her up that meant they would be in the car together for at least 10 or 15 minutes. Being in the car also meant having to talk to him, that would just make her decision harder to follow through with.

“Because. I have to go pick up stuff and will be late, and Kara told me she wants to talk to you before the party.” That was another thing that he had to tell someone to do.

“Oh, um, ok.”

“So, I’ll have Zack pick you up and I’ll see you at Jack’s.” He hung up quickly after saying goodbye and called Zack.


“Hey, you’re picking up Megan and taking her to the party. Bye.”

“Wait, why?”

“Because. Just do it.” He hung up and dialed Kara’s number.


“Hey Kara. It’s Alex.”

“Oh, hi.”

“Can you do me favor?”

“No, I will not convince Rian to cuddle with you tonight instead of Jack.”

“Darn it!” he yelled in fake disappointment. She laughed on the other end of the phone. “Fine, can you do me another favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Will you pretend to have to talk to Megan before the party? I already told her that you did, just make something up.”

“Um, sure? Can I ask why?”

“I told her that Zack was picking her up and I needed a reason why, so I told her that I was going to be late and that you needed to talk to her.”

“Ah, I see. So you’re trying to set them up.”

“No, I’m just giving the push that he needs.”

She laughed softly, “Right. But yea, I’ll talk to Meg.”

“Thanks.” They said their goodbyes before hanging up. Alex pulled his seatbelt on and placed his key in the ignition. He smirked at his plan. Now all that had to happen was for it to work. 

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