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Mount Justice II, 12/2/15, 1:12 PM

The air was cool in the Cave as Aquaman walked in with his trident in his hand and his hydro-blades on his belt. He breathed in a quick pull of air and kept moving up to the main console where Red Tornado stood facing a large hologram, a sort of map of the world and the surrounding space.

"Red?" Aquaman asked as he walked up behind him.

"Oh Kaldur'ahm, what is it you require?" Red Tornado turned around seeing him now.

"No, I came because Black Canary told me you needed to see me." Kaldur replied putting his trident on his back and looking at the map, "What is it?"

"Ah yes, I needed to speak to you." Red Tornado nodded, "This new threat that is approaching our planet. I fear it is bigger than even Doctor Fate imagines."

"Why is that?"

"I've been running scans on the surrounding system." Red Tornado zoomed the map in, Kaldur realized suddenly that things inside were moving, slowly of course, but moving, "This is a current representation of the solar system. Whatever has entered and is headed here, is currently closing in faster than we imagine. It is huge, Aquaman, the object is roughly the size of three of Earth's moons."

"What is it?" Kaldur asked widening his eyes looking at the object, it was massive if Red Tornado was right. But what could it be?

"Some sort of planet or possibly a space station." Red Tornado turned to him now, "Kaldur, if this object reaches Earth, who knows what could be aboard... I believe we should act quickly else-"

"Else we all get killed?" Kaldur asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Red Tornado nodded, "Who knows what this could mean for the human race. For the planet Earth. It could mean extinction as we know it."

"We must inform the others." Kaldur moved away, but Red Tornado caught his arm swiftly.

"But that is not the only reason why I have brought you." Red Tornado pulled him back in and brought up a new hologram, this time showing the battle on the Plateau.

Aquaman widened his eyes as he saw what Red Tornado brought up.


"You... You know?" Kaldur asked looking at the android with fear and anxiety.

"I do and so does Black Canary." Red Tornado nodded, "Who else knows, Kaldur?"

"Only Nightwing and I." He sighed looking down, "We didn't want to ruin her memory."

"I understand, as does Black Canary, but the Team has a right to know. You cannot keep this from them without repercussions." Red Tornado looked at him as though his own mechanical eyes were real and full of emotion.

"I can't, I just-"

"They deserve to-"

"They deserve to remember her as a hero!" Kaldur yelled pulling away from Red Tornado, "Not as a killer! That's not who she is! Ra's Al Ghul changed her! Morphed her into something else! She's not the same anymore, Red!"

"I understand. She is obviously suffering from the side effects of Ra's Al Ghul's own Lazarus Pits, but we cannot let her go on killing. The Team has a right to know their former friend is alive and out there."

"That would be giving them a false hope." Kaldur shook his head, "No. Nightwing and I have decided that we will deal with Artemis when it comes. But only we will. She killed Roy, our friend. I'm not letting anyone else die on that Team. She will be dealt with, I promise, but I'm not ruining who she was for the Team and give them a hope that she may return. Because I know for a fact that she never will. Artemis died a long time ago, all that is left is... something else."

"Very well." Red Tornado looked away, "I am not sure I agree entirely with your decision, but as Nightwing was the former leader from when Artemis was on your team, you two will decide what to do."

"Also, Aquaman," Red Tornado turned back, "Let's not forget what happened to Jason Todd. The search come up with anything yet?"

Aquaman cringed as he heard the young Robin's name. The search for Jason had still come up with nothing. After the Joker's death, there were no leads other than the Red Hood and that vigilante was still dodging all contact with the Team. Any contact he did have was disastrous, whomever he was, he was good.

"Not yet. We're still searching, but don't worry I'm sure he'll turn up sooner or later." Aquaman sighed avoiding failure, he refused to believe Jason was dead. He had gone through too much to simply get killed by the Joker.

Red Tornado turned away and switched the hologram back to the map. The huge object moving towards Earth was moving faster. Whatever it was, Aquaman needed the Team to be ready for it. He hoped and prayed that Wondergirl and Miss Martian knew what they were doing with all of the new missions they were going on. Else, it might spell disaster for the world.

***Hey guys! So number three is out! I hope you all will enjoy Trinity and be ready for quite the ride because I have a lot planned! If you have any plot questions or wishes please inbox or comment! Votes help a lot so please spread the word! Stay awesome!!!***

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