Chapter Sixteen: Fawcett City

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Fawcett City, 12/22/15, 3:56 PM

Cassie sighed as she floated down to the alcove where the others were resting.  She saw Connor looking out from the alcove with his arms crossed as she landed.

"Everything okay?"  She asked as she landed in front of him and he nodded looking back.

"We're just on edge."  Connor nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck, "We'll be able to move soon."

"What's the news?"  Another voice spoke out from the shadows of the alcove, the figure walked out and Cassie recognized their new metahuman friend, Cody Driscoll or as he called himself, Risk.

"Still nothing.  The parademons are searching, but there's... less of them."  Cassie shook her head moving to the wall and sinking to the floor, "We still can't handle that many."

"Eh, I don't believe that."  Another voice spoke, this time it was Ted Grant or Wildcat, a twenty-five year old man with no powers, but an excellent hand-to-hand fighter.

"Ted, you'll get ripped apart."  Connor chuckled, "We need to lay low."

"And wait for someone else to rescue us?"  Another voice asked walking out, one of Cassie's least favorites members of their group, Floyd Lawton or Deadshot.

"You have a better idea, Deadshot?"  Connor asked whipping around angrily, "We're pinned down here."

"Why don't you two smash through some of those fuckers and clear us a path."  Lawton chuckled.

"Or we can throw you at them and hope we get out before you're already half clawed apart."  Connor moved up closer now with his fists clenched tightly.

"Stop this."  The last voice spoke from the shadows, walking out it was Rick Flagg, an army officer from high up, he was highly skilled and surprisingly had survived for a long time in the new world, "This is not the time to start fighting amongst ourselves.  Lets remember who the real enemy is."  He pointed up at the sky and looked at the group, "We fight them, not us."

"He's right."  Cody nodded stepping towards Connor, "We take our world back first."

"Fine."  Lawton grunted turning away.

"What's our plan then?"  Cassie asked crossing her arms, "We can't stay here, I agree with that."

"We sneak out."  Rick nodded, "We move as soon as possible."

"Well, you've got another problem."  A voice spoke from above, the group all raised their weapons or fists as another figure dropped down to meet them.  Cassie recognized them as Killer Frost.

"I thought you were dead..."  Cassie said eyes widened as Killer Frost stepped forward out of the shadows.

"Well, I escaped your little fiascos and got away from Vandal Savage.  But there's something I've learned, something you should all learn too."

"But Waller said you were-"  Deadshot began, but Killer Frost cut him off by walking through them roughly.  Cassie could see Flagg's anger with her behavior.  Risk and Wildcat obviously did not like her either, and Connor had no trust for her.

"Look, I get your little want for sneaking out, but it won't work.  We need to go now."  Killer Frost stepped out of the alcove much to the anger of Flagg.

"NO!"  Flagg yelled, but Killer Frost rolled her eyes turning towards them, "Those monsters aren't going to do a thing if they are too busy eating people in the city.  We go, and we get out."

"And to where exactly?"  Connor asked crossing his arms.

"There's a resistance forming in Gotham, we could start there."  Killer Frost shrugged, "Its the only thing I've heard for the past week."

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