Chapter Ten: Blüdhaven

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Blüdhaven, 12/8/15, 3:42 AM

Hawkman flew up into the air as Green Arrow let loose more arrows after him. Black Lightning moved in on foot punching him back and shooting electric sparks at the Arrow, but the vigilante leaped to the side firing an arrow at Black Lightning knocking him down. Hawkman flew in slamming the Arrow down with his mace.

"Everyone okay?" Hawkman asked as he put his foot on Green Arrow's chest.

"I'm alright." Black Lightning grunted as he stood up. Hawkgirl broke free of the foam and Firestorm stood up shaking his head.

"Ugh... I feel funny..."

"You were knocked out, quickly get Cyborg, we need to find Black Canary and Kid Flash." Hawkman ordered as he picked up Green Arrow, "And we can take this guy in."

The group kept moving through the facility until they found Black Canary and Kid Flash. Hawkman and Hawkgirl helped the two out and the group gathered themselves as they recuperated.

"Where's Wonderwoman or Slade or Kaldur?" Firestorm asked looking around for them.

"They must be dealing with the Red Hood." Hawkman sighed, "I just hope they're alright."


Wonderwoman slashed forward as Bruce slid aside slamming into her gut and knocking her into the wall. She grunted grabbing his fist and flipping him to the floor. She reached for her sword raising it in the air, but he fired at her hitting her hand and causing her to drop the sword. He fired again and again as Wonderwoman leaped back. Bruce rolled up to his feet and ran forward tackling Diana into the wall and slamming his fist into her cheek. She head butted him back and slammed him back. She was angry now, he was not Bruce anymore he was insane. She gripped him by the collar of his armor and lifted him up into the air.

"Go ahead, kill me!" Bruce yelled as Diana stared him in the eyes. Eyes that she remembered staring into before and loving, now she only looked into the eyes of a madman. Bruce was gone, this was merely a shell of his body containing a darker and murderous spirit. She had to vanquish it.

Diana picked up her sword and raised it up in the air as she held Bruce there.

"I'm sorry, Bruce." She sighed, "But I must... I must do this."

"Do it." Bruce glared her in the eyes, "Show me what the Justice League has become."

"WE ARE NOT KILLERS!" Diana yelled, "But I will not allow you to continue hurting people!"

"Ha! Not killers. Look at what you are doing now, Diana." Bruce taunted her.

"Because we cannot lock you away or you will break out for sure!" Diana snapped back, "You are one of the most dangerous people in the world, Bruce. I need to do this."

"Then do it already!" Bruce yelled struggling in her stone hard grip.

"As you wish." Diana sighed as she drove the sword forward into Bruce's gut. It ripped through his armor in the waist and pierced through his body. Diana watched him the entire time as she did it. She wanted to remember his face, his eyes, his voice, everything. She had loved him at one point, she thought she still did. But now she was killing him.

Strange how the world works.

Diana pulled out her sword and allowed the Red Hood to drop to the floor. She stumbled back and fell to her knees as she began to sob. Tears streamed from her eyes as she felt the grief and sadness hitting her in a sudden flash.

"Wonderwoman?" A voice called out from nearby, but Diana could not react. She was too engrossed in the tears, the crying, the sobbing, the grief, the mourning.

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