Chapter Fourteen: Warworld

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Warworld, 12/20/15, 12:43 AM

Darkseid sat upon his throne as he looked out at the planet, Earth.  The invasion had gone well, the powerful metahumans that guarded the planet had been mostly dealt with, the stragglers were being hunted down by his parademon army.  The Warworld held all the captives in stasis pods while Darkseid commanded the army from his chair.  The Warworld was guarded by an army of drones as well so it was not needed to keep parademons aboard.  He had one lieutenant that he commanded now, his name was Klarion.

"Klarion, how goes the hunt?"  Darkseid boomed as the witch-boy appeared before him.

"Sir,"  Klarion bowed, "The cities are falling one by one;  everyday we capture more humans."

"And what of the metahumans?"  Darkseid snapped quickly, "I want them dead or captured."

"I know sir, I have begun searching for them even more, but a problem has also presented itself..."

"What?"  Darkseid nearly stood as he heard him, his anger was growing with this small witch.

"S-Sir, they are forming larger groups... Creating shelters for the humans and their friends."

"Shelters?  Then attack them and destroy them!"  Darkseid rang through his throne chamber as drones began to move in the room.

"Attack sir?  A coordinated assault then?"  

"Yes!  Why is that so impossible to conceive?"  Darkseid felt his forehead as he grew angrier, "No...No, I have had quite enough with this.  I will be the one leading this assault."  He stood up from his throne and walked towards the puny witch, "And I will show them why they should all have surrendered to begin with."

"Yes, sir."  Klarion nodded as drones filled in to guard the throne, Darkseid's command post.

"We attack tomorrow."  Darkseid moved towards windows to see the planet better, "I'll gather an attack force to blast through their walls."

"They will all die.  I'll see to it."  Darkseid grinned as he looked out the window, "My will is their fates."

Metropolis, 12/20/15, 2:32 AM

"Come on!"  Kyle whispered as Wildebeast and Terra moved up with Martian Manhunter to him as they moved closer to where they had seen the lightning strike.

The group kept moving as the skies filled up with parademons towards the tower.  Kyle knew it had to be Shazam, who else had those powers that was still on the planet.  The group moved through the rubble of the great city of Metropolis as the parademons swarmed the tower.  Kyle just hoped Shazam got out in time.

The group kept moving until they saw something moving through the dust towards them, parademons were following behind closely.  That must be Shazam.

Kyle raised his fists as the figure zoomed up to them, he widened his eyes as he saw Shazam and the Flash together both looking exhausted.  The two froze in front of them in shock as the two groups were reunited.

"We need some help."  Shazam let out a heave as the two turned around looking back at the small group of parademons as they moved up on them.

One parademon screeched and pointed at Kyle and his friends, they must have spotted them.

Kyle flew forward slamming two through the air with a green energy hammer.  Terra brought up a block of earth knocking three into the air and allowing Shazam to smash into one.  The Flash zipped around running circles around the parademons.  Wildebeast leaped up grabbing a parademon and slamming into the ground.  Martian Manhunter smashed another back as he flew up as well.  The group was ready to fight.

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