Chapter One: Star City

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Star City, 11/28/15, 11:32 PM

Wondergirl ran across the rooftop as the Team moved into position.  The night sky shown over Star City brightly.  The stars reflecting off the glass buildings like a shining sun, meanwhile in the lesser glades darkness ruled.  Wondergirl flew into the sky above the slums of the city as she watched others moving over the rooftops.  Damage and Wildebeast ran side-by-side leaping from rooftop to rooftop as they pursued their target.  Terra and Kid Devil moved through the alleyway pursuing as well while Kyle flew to the right with Stargirl flanking him.

Megan's telepathic mind-link was strong at the moment, "Do we have eyes on the target?"  She asked, her voice echoing through their minds like a tunnel.  She was in the Bio-Ship keeping the Team together from there.

"I have visual."  Damage yelled through the mind-link, "They're headed for the intersection!"

"Got it."  Stargirl replied and flew faster with Kyle racing her like a marathon in the sky.

Wondergirl realized that if Kid Flash were there then they would not need to race, he would have already caught up to their target.  Or Robin would have done something to redirect traffic and stall.  Or Beastboy could...No, she could not think about them right now, not in a mission.

"I'm moving in."  Wondergirl reported diving down towards the edge of the alleyway as their target came into view, Stargirl and Kyle were coming up from behind.  Wondergirl smashed into the ground and stood up facing their target, the one and only hooded-assasin girl, the Team had yet to come up with a name for her.

"Caught ya."  Wondergirl grinned as the assassin raised a crossbow in her right hand and a sword in her left.  Stargirl and Kyle floated down from behind both raising their respective weapons, "Surrender and it will make this a lot easier."  Wondergirl grinned raising her fists.

The assassin girl did not surrender though.  She quickly whistled and suddenly the alleyway was filled with smoke.  Wondergirl coughed as the smoke enveloped the entire area.  She heard something racing towards her, an arrow.  She ducked as the arrow flew overhead and quickly flew up into the air. She saw the assassin girl standing on a rooftop with several others with her now.  Wondergirl recognized most of them, Merlyn, Chesire, a four-armed gunman, and Spike, the assassin with energy swords.  The five raised their weapons as Wondergirl landed on the rooftop.  Behind her, Stargirl and Kyle landed as well and Wildebeast and Damage quickly leaped up behind them.

"Terra, Kid Devil!"  Miss Martian yelled through the mind-link, "I'm picking up more signatures headed your way, deal with them!"

"Got it!"  Terra yelled back telepathically.

Wondergirl grinned, five on five this would be a good fight.  She quickly chose her opponent as the assassin girl and leaped forward punching through the air at her.  The girl ducked and kicked Wondergirl back throwing punches and slashing at her with her sword.  Wondergirl blocked the sword with her gauntlets and reached to grab the girl, but she leaped back through the air firing an arrow at Wondergirl.

Elsewhere, Wildebeast tackled the four-armed gunman or Ruck and knocked his weapons away as the two fought hand-to-hand.  Stargirl and Chesire danced in a game of cat and mouse as Stargirl blasted her energy bolts at Chesire.  Merlyn shot arrows at Damage as he dodged and shot explosive blasts at the archer.  Kyle and Spike fought with their respective energy swords as the two slashed and knocked each other around, Kyle was enjoying it too much to use any other method with his ring.

Wondergirl threw another punch at the girl and surprisingly hit her mark knocking the girl down.  She moved up to her, but the girl shot another arrow at her, Wondergirl caught this one.  But it seemed the girl wanted her to catch it because the arrow exploded in her hand knocking Wondergirl back and rocking the entire structure.  Wildebeast tackled Ruck off the rooftop as the explosion caused him to run forward, and Merlyn and Damage leaped onto another rooftop.  Stargirl and Chesire continued their dance while Wondergirl flew into the smoke heading for the assassin girl.  

Wondergirl grabbed her and flew higher into the air holding the girl as tight as she could.  She flew up high into the sky and then began to dive-bomb down to the ground.  The girl struggled and then Wondergirl felt something attaching itself to her thigh.  She widened her eyes as she felt some sort of foam enveloping her and causing her to drop the girl and fall to the ground.  The assassin girl drew out her own sort of "squirrel-wings" as she flew to a rooftop and Wondergirl crashed in the middle of an alleyway still in the foam.  She continued struggling and finally broke free of the foam.  

She felt her head as she looked around for a sign of the girl, but saw nothing.  

"You know, I have a feeling they do not intend on getting caught."  A voice said behind her, Wondergirl twirled around as she saw the glint of red in reflection on some broken glass.  She raised her fists, but one already smashed into her cheek and kicked her down.  She reached for her lasso, but it was gone, looking up she saw that the Red Hood threw the lasso to the side and raised a pistol to her head.

"Now now Wondergirl, I would not call for help."  The mysterious man said as he stood before her, "I'm sure those assassins are keeping your friends busy anyways."

"Who are you?"  Wondergirl asked in anger as the Red Hood glared her down.

"That is to be said."  The man shook his head and raised a small device, he clicked a button on top of it causing it to extend and turn into a metal electric-baton.  

Wondergirl grabbed the concrete below her and threw a chunk at the Hood, but he leaped to the side and lunged at her slamming the baton against her and shocking her badly.

"I've set this baton to it's maximum energy output, you are going to feel it for a while."  The Red Hood taunted her as he kicked her again.

"Wondergirl!"  A voice yelled from behind and Wondergirl looked up as she saw Damage running towards them, "YOU!"  He screamed seeing the Red Hood.  He raised his hands to blast energy at him, but lowered them as he saw Wondergirl.

Wondergirl attempted to stand, but felt her limbs go limp, the electrical shock had put her into a state of paralysis.  Damage was on his own.

The Red Hood turned around as Damage threw a punch his way, but he ducked slamming his pistol on his neck and throwing him against the brick wall of the alleyway.  He punched him in the gut and then in the face and slammed his head against the brick wall several times.

"You never learn do you?"  The Red Hood asked, "Oh Grant, always the brash one, always the one to-"  Wondergirl widened her eyes as the man in the mask said Grant's name and raised a pistol to his head...

"Get himself killed."

Wondergirl felt tears forming in her eyes as the Red Hood pulled the trigger.  The loud "BAM!" sounded loud and clear through the night's dense air.  It blended in though with the nearby sounds of sirens and cars from the city.

Grant's body dropped to the ground as his head bled from the bullet hole.  The Red Hood stood above him and holstered his weapon walking back over to Wondergirl, whom was still in paralysis.

"You will stop this meaningless chase, or else all of you will die, Cassie."  The Red Hood stated crouching above her, "There are bigger things at hand now.  You should all be ready for them once they arrive."

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