Chapter Twenty-Four: Warworld

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Warworld, 12/27/15, 11:36 AM

The Warworld was unlike anything Cyborg had seen before, it was gigantic.  He could barely believe the portal had worked, but Fate got them aboard now time for the hard part.  The group was in the middle of a large intersection chamber of sorts, tunnels began all around, but Cyborg knew where they were roughly using the schematics he had.  He looked at the map looking for their destinations.  Kid Flash and Kaldur moved to him looking at their paths as well.  They both took small holographic devices to keep maps of the Warworld.  The three nodded at each other as they took their maps.

"See you on the other side."  Kid said with a grin as he put his hand on both Cyborg's and Kaldur's shoulders.

"If anything happens report back immediately, this is our rendezvous point."  Cyborg pointed to the spot they stood in on the map, "If the mission goes south we can regroup here."

"The fate of the world sits on our shoulders."  Kaldur looked to them both, Cyborg felt the weight on his shoulders as they nodded looking to each other with grim expressions.

"Save the world."  Wally let out a heavy sigh, "A step up from our old days as just side-kicks huh?"

"Guess it is."  Cyborg grinned feeling Wally's humor affect him, he was glad he was here to keep them on their feet and laughing.

"Lets go."  Kaldur smiled as well, "We'll see each other soon, I promise."

"Beat that son of a bitch's ass for me."  Cyborg hit Kaldur lightly on the shoulder and began backing away towards his route, "LETS DO THIS!"

Cyborg watched as his team assembled, Firestorm moved to his side along with Artemis and the Flash.  Sonar, Livewire, Deadshot, and Rick Flagg all moved up in front of him looking ready to fight.  Cyborg knew his team was not the strongest, but their job was clear enough.  Take out the battery and  take out Darkseid's weapons of mass destruction.  Cyborg himself, Livewire, and Sonar could easily take out the battery, but the issue was dealing with the mass amounts of parademons protecting it.

"Everyone ready?"  Cyborg asked looking around, no one said a word giving him his cue, "Lets go then."

Cyborg activated his jetpack launching himself up to the tunnel a few feet above.  Behind him the rest moved up as well with different forms of transport.  Cyborg landed on the edge of the tunnel shining a light inside.  It was not too dark as the Warworld had lights lining all of its walls, but these tunnels were darker than the rest.  They had little choice but to move through them as the main tunnels were swarming with parademons.

Cyborg moved forward with Artemis close to his side and Rick Flagg on his left with his rifle raised.  Deadshot brought up the rear while Sonar, Livewire, and the Flash moved in the middle.  The Flash could speed ahead, but Cyborg knew the plan, stay together.

The group kept moving through the eerie tunnel as they heard screeches from the outside, the parademons were preparing for war.  Cyborg raised the power of his flashlight shining a few more feet ahead of the group.  Still nothing.  They kept moving through the endless tunnel as Cyborg checked his map again, the tunnel ended a mile or two ahead from which the only other route was a maintenance shaft through which only drones traveled.  The group have to move into a second tunnel in order to make their way to the battery, but the maintenance shaft was threatening due to the fact it was a vertical drop to the bottom, a fall that would crack the skulls of those that might fall down it.

They had little choice, the fact was that the group needed to do whatever necessary in order to take out the battery and save the world.  Cyborg led the group for what seemed like hours until they reached the end of the tunnel.

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