Chapter Twenty-Seven: Warworld

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Warworld, 12/27/15, 1:25

Cyborg poked his head around the corner as his group moved up to the intersection of the tunnels.  He felt the tunnel shaking more as another explosion went off.  What was going on with the other teams?  He could only imagine the battle against Darkseid was taking its toll on Kaldur's team.  Kid's team was likely at the prison center now saving the captives.  Or Cyborg could be wrong and both teams were already decimated and dead.

He had to have faith and he did.  He raised his plasma cannon as he rounded the corner, the battery was up ahead now.  He could see the glow from the other side of the tunnel.

"There it is!"  He yelled looking back at his team, Deadshot turned around the corner with his arms raised and his wrist-guns ready.  Livewire and Sonar followed along with Firestorm and Flash.

"Great, lets go!"  Flash yelled with a grin speeding down the tunnel already making it to the end, the rest of the group followed as fast as they could.  Cyborg rolled his eyes, Barry went speeding in like always while the rest followed shortly.  They reached the edge of the tunnel seeing the battery sitting overhead.

"Alright, lets get started."  Cyborg said pulling up his holographic scan of the battery, "We need to overload it with enough power to shut this war machine down."

"And how much is that?"  Livewire asked twirling an electric charge around her hand.  She raised her hand readying herself.

"A lot."  Cyborg sighed raising his own electrical conductor, "Flash can help us as well, the rest guard the tunnel."

"Got it."  Firestorm nodded moving with Deadshot and Sonar to guard the tunnel.

The group began hitting the battery with all the power they could.  Cyborg kept track of how much was being filtered into the battery as he began using his power.

Reroute all nonessential units to electricity output.

Cyborg was using as much as he could against this battery.  The power of the battery changed as they hit it and it began to climb.  Livewire was using her entire body to emit electricity into the battery.  Cyborg looked over as the Flash sped around and threw lightning bolts at the battery every few seconds.  They could do this, Cyborg had to stay optimistic.  

He looked back as several drones began moving towards the battery.  He saw Deadshot shoot some down while Sonar sent a sonic attack through the tunnel hitting everything down.  Firestorm raised his hands blasting at something as it sprung from the ceiling.  A parademon had made its way into the tunnel somehow.  Firestorm blasted it back while Sonar clapped his hands hitting the creature further away.  Deadshot kept firing down drones while the others handled the parademon.  

Cyborg looked back up at the battery as its power grew higher and higher.  Hopefully Darkseid would not use the Warworld as the group powered it or it could decimate the Earth.  But with Kaldur's team keeping him at bay hopefully Cyborg and his group could overload it before Darkseid could attempt anything.

But that all counted on faith.

Faith in his friends...


Kid Flash reached another corner of the prison center as he searched for heroes.  He had seen Wonderwoman fighting in the air with the parademons while Black Canary ran with Metamorpho and Terra towards the platform as Black Lightning readied the boom-tubes.

Kid sped forward till he spotted someone.

"COURTNEY!"  He yelled to her as he saw Stargirl floating in the air blasting back the parademons with her staff.  He sped to the spot beneath her as she lowered down with a smile and embraced him.

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