Chapter Eighteen: Fawcett City

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Fawcett City, 12/23/15, 9:49 PM

"The night is the best time for us to make our move."  Killer Frost insisted as she led the group through the brush.  The whole city had become overgrown during Darkseid's invasion.  It was phenomenal, but most likely an effect of the Warworld sitting above Earth.  Cassie looked up at the huge machine, somewhere above Darkseid sat on his throne overlooking his prize, with his entire army on the ground and dominating the battlefield.  He was winning.

"We'll get up there soon."  Connor put his hand on her shoulder as they both gazed up at the sky, "We'll beat him."

"I hope so."  Cassie nodded her eyes resting on Connor's gentle expression, no wonder Megan fell in love with him, the two had something in common, their remarkable ability to be so kind in the worst of situations.

"Quiet!  We can't be caught, not now."  Deadshot snapped as they moved up a steep hill leaving the urban area behind.  Rick Flagg came up on the rear covering them with Risk.  Wildcat followed up behind Killer Frost with Deadshot behind him.  Cassie shook her head as they left the city and moved into the suburbs, their destination was Gotham.  If they could find the resistance, perhaps they could find some of their friends.  But they would have to move quickly, else the parademons would find them or their friends.

Three days later...

Gotham, 12/26/15, 1:39 PM

Cassie looked at the city as they walked into the streets of Gotham, the GCPD building was gone and rubble.  The whole city was empty, it was remarkable.

"We made it.  Where's this resistance?"  Deadshot asked looking around as the group stepped forward towards the buildings.  Killer Frost shook her head as the group gathered around.

"No...The kid said that the GCPD building was where it was... It's... It's gone..."  She shook her head looking at the rubble, "We couldn't have come so far for-"


The group swiftly looked over as a building went up in smoke.  They felt the wind shift for a moment and a large flash from further away in the city.

"I think we found someone..."  Rick Flagg said raising his rifle.

"Come on!"  Cassie yelled taking off into the air and flying towards the battle.  She squinted looking at the smoke as she saw some figures fighting amid them.  She widened her eyes as one glinted yellow, he was wearing a helmet.

"DOCTOR FATE!"  She yelled flying towards them, but froze as she saw who was fighting him, it was Black Adam.

"NO!"  She yelled flying down, but she stopped again as Black Adam fell back and was lifted up into the air.  Doctor Fate clenched his fist in the air and Black Adam disappeared mid-air.  He disintegrated him...  She floated down into the smoke as it cleared allowing her to see Doctor Fate standing above another body...

Cassie felt her heart spring out of her chest as she recognized him.  Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened with a spark.  She took off forward towards him lifting him up into the air and kissing him immediately.

She was reunited with Kaldur'ahm.

"C-Cassie?"  Kaldur asked in between the kissing, "H-h-how?"

"Doesn't matter, all that matters is that I've found you."  She said looking him in the eyes and kept kissing him, "We're back together again."


Connor widened his eyes as he ran into the street that Cassie had taken off to with the group behind him.  They all stood shocked as Cassie held Kaldur mid-air kissing him, Doctor Fate stood on the ground and gazed at them from there.  Connor ran towards him as Cassie and Kaldur floated back down to the ground.  

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