Chapter Nine: Hong Kong

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Hong Kong, 12/3/15, 12:01 PM

Klarion sat on a rooftop overlooking Hong Kong as he pet Teekls in his arms. He grinned as fireworks went off above the slums, a celebration was going on all over the city. For whatever, he did not remember, but he watched as the fireworks burst above the city.

"What do you want, Klarion?" A voice asked behind him, he looked over his shoulder as a man walked up onto the rooftop.

"Hello Professor Ivo." Klarion grinned as he watched the professor walk up, "I've been thinking a lot recently. I wondered where you had ran off to, so when I found out that you hid away in Hong Kong, I was quite intrigued."

"Again, what do you want?" Ivo asked sighing as he walked up next to Klarion.

"I needed to finish some unfinished business. Leave no loose ends, you know?" Klarion snickered.

Ivo widened his eyes as Klarion snapped his fingers and he floated into the air, "Please... I won't betray you ever! I wouldn't! I-!"

"Too bad. The world is going to end soon, I can't have any one getting in my way." Klarion sighed as he snapped his fingers again and Ivo was sent spiraling into the air as another firework was shot up. Ivo was right there mid-air as the firework exploded next to him.

"Boy do I love fireworks!" Klarion laughed as he watched the city began to alight in flames. He raised his hand forming a fireball and cast it into the city square. He laughed more as the explosion went off.

Blüdhaven, 12/8/15, 3:00 AM

Wonderwoman raised her sword as the group moved into their positions around the facility. They would be moving all in and taking down the Red Hood and Green Arrow. They had to or else they could risk Dinah and Wally getting killed.

"You better not backstab us." Wonderwoman threatened Deathstroke who stood next to Aquaman.

"Never!" Deathstroke laughed as he raised his own sword, "Lets do this already."

"Move in." Wonderwoman ordered their forces as they began to converge in.

Wonderwoman led Aquaman and Deathstroke while Cyborg, Hawkgirl, and Firestorm moved in from above. Black Lightning and Hawkman moved in from the back of the facility.

Wonderwoman crashed through a large window and landed in the middle of a large room. She looked around as the dark chamber filled with light as Firestorm crashed in as well with Hawkgirl and Cyborg close behind.

"Cyborg scanners show anything?" Wonderwoman asked as she paced around the room.

"I've got two bodies that way." Cyborg pointed towards the far side, but suddenly an arrow hit him in the chest releasing an electric shock wave that caused him to cry out and collapse.

"No!" Wonderwoman yelled as she ducked, a flash of bullets pierced the room and another arrow hit Hawkgirl forming a foam around her wings. She was stuck in the foam while Firestorm blasted at their attackers with his flames.

Wonderwoman began to turn around when she saw a fist coming straight towards her. She blocked the punch as the Red Hood kicked her back. Deathstroke slashed at him, but the Red Hood kicked him back and grabbed his arm twisting him and throwing him into Wonderwoman. Aquaman slashed at the Red Hood as well, but he grabbed his arm and slammed the trident into his head and knocked him into the wall. The Red Hood ran up to another room with large glass windows and Aquaman followed. Wonderwoman got up with Deathstroke and pursued.

Behind them, Green Arrow kicked Firestorm down and hit him with another arrow dosing him with some anesthesia. Firestorm was knocked out as Black Lightning and Hawkman moved in beginning their own fight with Oliver.

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