Chapter Seven: Blüdhaven

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Blüdhaven, 12/11/15, 2:03 AM

Dinah slowly opened her eyes using her blurry vision to look around the room.  She heard car horns in the distance and someone struggling nearby her.  She moved her head around looking around from the wall she was chained to.  She looked to her right seeing someone in a chair, she widened her eyes as she recognized Wally there.

"Hello Dinah."  A voice said as she struggled to get out. Her staff, canary cry tech, and mask were laying on a table further away, but she looked up as a figure walked towards her, the Red Hood.  

"What the hell do you want from me?"  She spat at the mysterious vigilante, "LET ME GO!"

"Now now,"  The man said softly in his mechanically distorted voice as he moved up to her, "I don't want anything from you.  What I want, is from the entire Justice League."

"Why?  What did we ever do to you!?"  Dinah cried as tears began to form in her eyes, "What the hell did we do to you that could make you so wanting of revenge?"

The Red Hood stood there staring at her through his mask.  He sighed as he moved back to the table, "You know who I am."

"I don't."  Dinah shook her head.

"You do."  The Red Hood nodded, "But its not you that I want to show my face to.  Its... Its Dick."

"Dick?"  Dinah asked, her eyes widening, "No...It can't be... You're..."  She watched as the Red Hood began to move his hand to his face, "No..."

She realized it now.  It all made sense.

Everything made sense.

Mount Justice II, 12/11/15, 1:00 AM

Aquaman sighed as he walked into the Cave with Deathstroke, Hawkgirl and Black Lightning trailing after him and keeping a quick eye on Deathstroke.  Aquaman carried Artemis in his arms as he moved in and saw the Team standing in a semicircle facing them.

Megan walked out with Connor by her side with her arms crossed.

"You lied."   She said coldly, she was shaking now.  Connor put his arm around her waist to keep her steady.

"She needs medical attention."  Aquaman ordered without a thought.

"We don't treat killers."  Connor walked forward crossing his arms and shaking his head, "She isn't welcome here."

"You take orders from me now, Superman."  Kaldur shook his head, "I will heal her myself if needed."

"Excuse me?"  Connor clenched his fist walking forward, "You LIED to us, Kaldur.  You knew she was alive this whole time didn't you?  You knew she was the one who killed Roy.  You KNEW and did not bother to tell anyone who had known her also, you refused to tell the people who had mourned her."

"We grieved."  Megan snarled, "We believed she was gone!  And when she came back and we didn't know, we wanted her dead!"

"That's why I didn't want to ruin her image to you all!"  Kaldur retorted, "Ra's Al Ghul's waters changed her, she was not herself!"

"And is she now?"  Connor snapped back, "What if she goes insane?  What if this was her entire plan?  To get in here and have a chance to kill us all?"

"I don't believe that."  Kaldur shook his head as he tried to move around them.

"And you brought him in here?"  Megan froze as she saw Slade.

"He knows who the Red Hood is."  Kaldur sighed, "Megan I know-"


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