Chapter Twenty-One: Warworld

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Warworld, 12/26/15, 5:00 PM

Darkseid looked upon the containment cells in Warworld.  The drones patrolling kept everything running smoothly.  Darkseid strode to the room where he was keeping the metahumans and heroes of Earth.  His trophies, fallen enemies that he defeated and captured they were all his now.  His revenge was at hand, the Justice League had defeated him once, but now they felt his true wrath.

Darkseid moved up towards the trophies looking upon them.  He had true power, they were there to show that.  Darkseid's power was limitless, he would crush all opposition to him in the universe.  Earth was first, these heroes defeated him once and it would not happen again.

"S-Sir?"  A feeble voice said behind him, Darkseid sighed as he recognized the voice of the Witch-Boy he used as one of his agents, Klarion.

"What do you have to report?"  Darkseid asked without turning around, he looked down upon the many heroes he had in containment.

"It's the Justice League, sir.  They've regrouped their forces."

Darkseid could hear the fear in Klarion's voice, he knew that the trifling Lord of Chaos could not stand to fight him.  He controlled him easily, Darkseid searched for a plan in his mind.  Sending the boy would only cause him to lose another agent, perhaps this dilemma required his own hands... Or perhaps...

"I know exactly how we will deal with them."  Darkseid formed a smile on with his lips as he turned towards Klarion, "Follow me."

Darkseid led Klarion to his personal trophy room, he moved towards a great vault in the back of the room.  Two great doors slid open revealing a massive set of armor.

"This is our weapon against them."  Darkseid grinned looking upon the armor.

"W-What is it?"  Klarion asked gazing upon the huge set of armor.

"This is the Imperiex armor, from the villain himself.  I managed to destroy him, but salvaged a set of his armor.  You will possess it and use it to fight the heroes.  Kill them or capture them, finish this resistance once and for all."  Darkseid glared down at the Lord of Chaos as he moved up towards the large set of armor.

"Yessir, this'll do."  Klarion grinned looking up at Darkseid, "I will have them dead."

"Do not fail me."  Darkseid warned him looking down upon Klarion, "Or you too will face the same end that Constantine and Black Adam received."

Gotham, 12/26/15, 5:19 PM

Kara looked around bewildered, she was surrounded by villains and heroes alike standing in a circle in a large lobby of an office building.  She looked around recognizing different figures, but Aquaman, Miss Martian, and Cyborg stood in the center of the group.

"Everyone listen up!"  Superman yelled from beside Wildebeast, she could still barely believe he was real.  It seemed unreal that a half-human half-kryptonian could exist, but he did.  She had wanted to talk to him more, but Megan insisted that the group assess itself.

"Look, there are currently thirty of us here now.  That is barely anything to fight against Darkseid and his thousands of parademons, but we have strength in each of us.  We believe we have a plan to get aboard Warworld and put an end to this invasion once and for all."

Cyborg brought up a holographic image of the planet and Warworld hovering over it.

"The Flash has informed us of a way to use the Monolith's power within Doctor Fate to create a portal straight into Warworld getting us all aboard.  He can teleport us to Uraria, but not aboard Warworld due to Darkseid's security covering it, but with enough power we believe we can get aboard.  But once aboard, it will be all or nothing.  Parademons will swarm us and Darkseid will stop at nothing to stall us.  He will throw everything he has at us once inside, including an army of drones that guard the entire Warworld."

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