Chapter Three: Mount Justice II

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Mount Justice II, 12/7/15, 2:34 PM

Kaldur sighed as he felt his forehead and Cassie leaned her head on his shoulder.  The two stood watching as Dick and the others again went over what they had seen just a few nights ago in Coast City.  Something had attacked them, whatever it was it was strong and dangerous.  Now it was roaming free along with all the other threats that now stood in the world.

Grant Emerson was dead.  Kaldur had failed to protect his friends once again.  He had allowed the Red Hood a shot at his former Team, his friends.  The result?  Another one dead.  Damage was one of the strongest willed, he had some of the greatest potential.  Now, the Red Hood had put a bullet through his head and he was buried in the crypt along with the rest of those that had passed.

"Look with this thing out there now it just adds on to the list we already have going."  Black Canary heaved a sigh as she pulled up the reports from Metropolis, Gotham, Star City, and many others, "The assassins that are still on the run must be dealt with, along with the Red Hood and Ol...Green Arrow.  They must be dealt with.  Deathstroke is not helping either now that it looks like he is reforming the League of Shadows."

"We could start with him."  Hawkman suggested as he stood by, "Deal with the threats one at a time."

"We can't spare that time."  Black Canary shook her head and looked to Wonderwoman, "We've decided to select groups to deal with these threats."

"Deathstroke will be dealt with by Aquaman, Nightwing, Black Lightning, Hawkgirl, and Cyborg."  Wonderwoman stepped forward, "This creature that escaped Coast City is going to be tracked by Shazam, Blue Devil, Superman, and Metamorpho."  Kaldur nodded as he heard his name get called.

"The Red Hood will be dealt with by myself,"  Wonderwoman spoke again, "Black Canary, John Stewart, Doctor Fate, Firestorm, and Hawkgirl."

"Finally, as for the rest of the League and the Team, we still have multiple metahumans running amok in the world.  We received reports that lead us to believe that a number are still in the continental U.S, so start looking for leads."

Miss Martian and Wondergirl nodded as Wonderwoman looked to them, "I know we've lost a lot in the past year, but we have to keep going."

Kaldur nodded as well, the League was at a low point in its time.  Without Batman, there was no Watchtower to be built nor a Hall of Justice to rebuild either.  Superman could not help build public image anymore and Connor was not much of a Superman with his powers.

"Kaldur, can I speak to you?"  A voice spoke from behind, Kaldur turned around seeing Stargirl walking up to him.  She looked serious.

"Sure."  Kaldur nodded and Cassie walked off as Courtney moved him to a spot isolated from the others.

"I just want you to know that I think we should be looking for Wally still."  She sighed as she leaned against the wall looking at Kaldur with tired, but prevalent eyes.

"Courtney I know, I feel the same, but-"

"But nothing.  There is no excuse.  I know that the Flash is still looking for him, but that doesn't mean we can all just give up.  Wally should be here.  It isn't right that he's not."

"Wally is in a dark place.  Only the Flash can find him and bring him back sadly.  I wish I could find him,  but we know it would do the League no good if I just left.  We're already low on numbers, we can't lose anymore."

"I know it's just-"

"Kaldur!  You coming?  We're leaving for Metropolis!"  Nightwing called to him from the zeta-tubes.

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