Who are you people?! (8)

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One month later

"I remember that, I was so pissed at you."

"Yeah, but your reaction was hilarious." greg said letting out a deep, husky laugh.

"It was not hilarious it was embarrassing, why on earth would you pour ice cold water on a person, during winter, infront of the whole school? Everyone thought I fell in the toilet." I said slouching in the bench feeling embarrassed just thinking about it.

"No one thought you fell in the toilet, Is." he said.

"I had to walk to class hanging my head in all my six years old shame." I said with a pout.

Greg and I have been spending alot time together since he came. Right at this moment we are sitting in the park enjoying a madd dawg(A type of hot dog.) He literally begged for my forgiveness and I couldn't say no. He also found out that I was pregnant, I can't really tell you how it went but, I can show you:

"hey there baby how are you? You're getting bigger aren't you, I can't wait until you're here. I still have five more months with you in here, but I have great news, I can find out whether you are going to be a girl or a boy an-" I was interrupted by the squeak of the door. I turned around to see greg standing at the door.

"I just came, yasmine let me in, aum, who were you talking to?" He asked looking a bit worried.

" I think you should take a seat." I said in the most dramatic way.

"Uh oh, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Well, there comes a time in a young girl's life when she starts to menstruate and when she has sex and misses her p-" He interrupted me by placing his and infront of my face.

"I know this part, fast forward." He said.

"You seriously didn't catch what I was just saying?" I asked.

"Nope." he replied.

"Okay, I'm pregnant." I said in a weird tone.

He just sat there with his mouth hanging open, speechless. I waved my hand infront of his face trying to take him from his daze. He stayed like that for a few more moments until he finally spoke.

"For who?" He asked. Why Is that the first question everyone asks?

"A man." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Is it the guy who was with you that time I called." He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"Italy." I said, feeling down thinking about it.

" Oh, do you wanna go get some yogurt?" He asked trying to change the subject.

I sat up in the bench and began twirling my hair, it's a habit of mine, I do it when I'm thinking. Out of nowhere a remark that greg made, made me smile as I looked at him.

"You're beautiful." Was what he said.

As I looked at him with a smile on my face he took out his phone and took my picture. He held the phone up so I could see it, then he said "Absolutely beautiful."

(A/N The picture is above)


As I scrolled through my IG profile, my phone began to ring. I checked it and saw that it was mariano. I put the phone on silent, as I wasn't in the mood to speak to him. I left the phone on the bed and was about to walk into the bathroom when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said looking at the door as it opened. Zen popped her head through with a smile on her face.

"We're gonna get ice-cream, do you wanna come with?" She said.

"No thanks, I just wanna stay home and sleep, plus my stomach is churning right now and ice-cream will not help my case." I spoke.

"Okay, we'll be back soon , oh and justin is coming to drop something off for me later, can you you collect it and put it in my room please." She said blowing me a kiss. She pulled her head through the door and closed it. I sighed and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty much the same, only a little fatter. 'I am so gonna have to work out after I have this baby.' I said to myself.

I stripped my clothes off and went into the shower. I didn't wanna spend a long time in there so I made it as quick as I could.

After some time I came out and wrapped the towel around me. It took me some time to get dressed then I sat on the bed and caught my hair up in a ponytail. I heard the door bell ring and I headed down stairs. It was probably justin. I opened the door and was beyond frightened at the people who stood infront of me. Five men stood infront of me, all wearing black suits.

One of them with dirty blonde hair stepped forward and spoke. " Miss Isabella I presume?"

"Aum, it depends on who wants to know, who are you people?" I said.

He nodded holding out his hand to me. " I'm niccoli capello, these are my men. I'm mariano's best friend, he sent me for you, we should be leaving in an hour, so you have an hour to pack, any questions you have, you may ask them while we are on our way." He spoke bearly moving anything but his mouth.

"Pack? why do I need to pack? where am I going? w-"

"I shall repeat what I said before, any questions you have you may ask them while we are on our way." He interrupted me.

"But I-"

"Please miss Isabella, just go and pack." One of them spoke up, he looked younger than the rest of them, with brown hair and sparkling grey eyes.

"I'll pack when I hear it from mariano himself."

He nodded." Fear enough." He snapped his fingers and one of the guys walked to the awaiting van and knocked on the door. Mariano can not be in there. I refuse to believe it.

The door opened and mariano stepped out of the van. My mouth fell open. He walked pass the men and came up to me.

"Let's go inside." He said.

I stepped back to allow him to enter. When he did, I closed the door.

I folded my arms over my big stomach. "When did you return?" I asked.


"Okay, why are you here?" I asked.

"For you."

"Why are you here for me?" I asked

"You're gonna live with me from now on." He spoke.

"What? No way." I said.

"You don't have a choice, you are having my child also and I want you where I can keep an eye on you to make sure you're safe."

"I don't have a choice?" I raised my eyebrow. " I can't just leave zenoviah and yasmine." I said raising my voice a bit.

"You can leave a note or something. Go and pack." He said walking out of the house.

The nerve of this guy though!


Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the late update.

Also, sorry if it's boring, I'm half asleep now, but I had to update. Bare with me and the errors please. Thank you.

Vote and comment what you think, I read all your comments and to be honest, they make my day. I won't be able to reply to most of them though.

Sorry for taking up your time with my rambling.

Byeeee :) <3

Pregnant with the italian's baby ✔Where stories live. Discover now