Post-Prom Blues

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Chapter 14

Post-Prom blues.

I had no clue if this was a real thing but I was declaring it. It was already four in the after-noon and I was still in bed, lounging in my pajamas. I just felt like things weren't right. I had showered last night and text Addison to come over around noon. She had come and gone only staying for a couple hours going on and on about how amazing her night was. I felt happy for her, even though I wasn't in the mood too, and told her about mine. She had a small freak out but nothing large.

"Wait, so now you guys have kissed, like, multiple times." I nodded slowly unsure if I should even speak. She pulled in a sharp breath then let out an extremely high pitch squeal. I had to suppress my groan and settled for rolling my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm never letting it happen again." I said in a scuff leaning against to wall my bed was on.

"What do you mean you aren't going to let it happen? Are you stupid?" I gave her a dull look. She looked at me as if I was insane.

"I mean that I don't like the feel of how fast this is, nor his sudden interest in me." I said crossing my arms. She raised her eyebrows in response.

"Does it make you feel things? Does it make you uncomfortable?" She asked. Her voice held curiosity but she also seemed to actually be a bit frustrated by my decisions.

"Yes, it makes me feel things. I don't want to feel things that's the problem. No, it doesn't make me uncomfortable." I said sipping my water. She just rolled her eyes, about to reply when her phone rang. She pulled it from her pocket with a sigh.

"It's my mom." She said answering it. I toned out their conversation scrolling through my phone. Before I knew it she stood with a huff.

"I gotta go, she's dragging me to a baby shower." I cringed standing to walk her to the door.
"How fun." I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at this. We walked to the front door and I pulled it open for her. She stepped out then turned to me.
"Don't be so hard on Danny, you never know." She said shrugging her shoulders. I gave her a small smile and waved her off.

"Goodbye, Addison." I said slowly closing the door.

"Bye, loser." She said turning her back.

"Have fun at your baby shower." I yelled out. She flicked me off and got in her car driving off without a glance.

I was honestly really happy to see her go. Dad was out to lunch with some other employees and since I slept in, he took Ethen with him. All said via note and text. He then later on text me that he and Ethen were going out. I text him back telling them to have fun. So I was home alone and still in bed. I grabbed the TV remote from the other side of the bed flipping through more channels, bored with Clueless. Disney, Nick, History, Discovery, OWN, Lifetime. I clicked off the TV with a groan and flopped on my stomach, completely sprawled out on the bed. I pulled one leg up closer to my chest and put my hands up under my face. Perfect comfort.

I heard the door open down stairs thinking it was my dad an Ethen and laid there wait for them to come up. I listened as someone bounded up the stairs and opened my door.

"You should really hide the key bett-" Danny stopped mid sentence and I sat up quickly to face him. He stood a couple feet from the half closed door facing my bed, starring. I had an over sized, long sleeve with a scoop neck and shorts on. Normal lounge wear. The scoop neck fell off my shoulder and I struggled to keep it up. I ran a hand through my wavy hair and huffed.

"Hi? And, it was Addison who was terrible at hiding the key." I said. He cleared his throat and blinked a couple times then stepped towards the bed, plopping down beside me. I turned to him and tilted my head to the right the slightest.

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