I Second That

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Chapter 25

I just parallel parked somewhat close to Adams car like the semi normal person I am, but if you saw, more like heard, us as we pulled up you would have thought other wise. Danny was ridiculously sing-screaming along to What Makes You Beautiful and I was cackling as I drove along, trying to stay in my lane.

"You don't know-oh-oh" He paused to snort sending me another fit of laughter. "That's what makes you beautiful." He said finishing off the song with a beautiful note. My body stopped shaking and looked to him with shock as I shut off the car.

"And the truth comes out. I didn't know you could do all that." I said, still frozen in shock. He just rolled his eyes and jumped out of the car, then raced to my side. He opened the door and graciously offered me a hand. I took it with a small smile and he lifted me out of the car. Literally. I stumbled into him and he took this as the chance to give me a very short kiss. I pushed away from him with a terrible blush a turned to the car opening the back door. Every damn time when he kisses me in public it gets me. Every time he kisses me I feel like a twelve your who just got their first turn in Spin The Bottle. I grabbed our stuff and shoved him his towel. I threw my small beach bag over my shoulder and headed for the sidewalk, it wouldn't be hard to see them. Danny came up behind me right as I spotted them and I immediately headed for the left. He stayed at my side and laced his fingers through mine. My embarrassment had washed away at this point but now I was just filled to the utter brim with something.

Pure satisfaction or some sort of pride.

I was walking down the beach holding my boyfriends hand walking towards the two best friends in the world.

This was all new and god was it refreshing.

"Hey look who decided to finally join us." Adam said as we approached. Addison's head turned to us and she not-so-discreetly glanced between out hands and faces. I could hear her now.

'Yeah but this is BIG. Holding hands in public, kissing in public. I called it.' Blah, blah, blah her needs.

"So what took you guys so long?" She asked innocently resting back down onto the warm sand.

"Breakfast and he needed swim trunks." I said throwing my bag to the ground and plopping on the scolding sand beside my friend. Danny on the other hand ripped off his shirt, flexed, then called upon his brethren to join him at the waterfront. So of course with out any hesitation what so ever Adam jumped up and followed his lead, both of them charging the water.

"We sure can pick'em can't we?" I asked watching as they both stumbled and fell into the choppy water. She just chuckled and let a big grin slide it's way on to her face.

"Yeah but we only pick the best."

It was only a matter of time before they'd come back up the beach with the though of getting us in the water.

"Come on, it's only the beginning of the summer and the water is already perfect and you are both going to get skin cancer if you sit there absorbing all those damn UV rays." Adam said standing over us. Danny joined his side blocking the rest of the sunlight. I looked over to Addison for a confirmed no but she got up without question and peeled off her clothes.

"Come on, slow pokes." She yelled out as she dashed towards the waves. Danny stayed standing over me and I just laid there looking up to him with one eye open.
"If you don't get up on your own I'm picking you up and throwing you." He said bending over and leaning on his knees, causing a gallon of water and a couple pints of displeasure to pour on me.

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