Man To Man

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This will be a short chapter just to let you know.

Jayceon POV

"Justice!" I called to my son. Today was the day I wanted to have a talk with him about how he treated Queen the other day.

"Yes sir." He said sitting on the couch across from me.

"I wanna talk to you about the way you acted with Miss Jones. I don't like the way you treated her. It was disrespectful and uncalled for." I scolded.

"Yes sir." He said sadly.

"You are a child and you do not trwat any adult like that ever. That is not how you were raised and I need that to stop before it starts. Now, I wanna know what made you act like that." I said.

"I don't like Miss Jones daddy." He said sadly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want you and mommy to get back together. I don't want two mommies, I want one. I want my mommy to be your wife so we can be a family again." He said with tears in his eyes.

That hurt my heart to hear that. Tiffney and I weren't getting back together any time soon and that was just all that was to it. I didn't want to be with her, though I did love her, I wasn't in love with her. I was in love with Queen.

"That won't happen Justice. Mommy and I are not in love anymore. Sometimes, mommies and daddies grow apart, because they aren't meant to be. They never stop loving each other, they just stop being in love with eachother." I explained.

"So you and mommy not in live no more?" He asked.

"No we are not. But we still love each other very much and will remain friends. We still love you and Cali very much." I said.

"Why did you and mommy fall out of love?" He asked.

This kid sure asks a lot of questions. I thought to myself. Must get it from his mother.

"I wasn't what she was looking for. It took us a while to figure out why, but when we figured it out, we left each other so that we could both find what we were looking for." I said.

"Oh okay. So, that means Mr. Mike is who mommy was looking for?" Justice asked.

"I don't know. Sometimes you find a lot of people, but they aren't who you were looking for." I explained.

"Oh okay. So when you and mommy find who you are looking for, will you tell me?" Justic asked.

"Yes. We will tell you Justice." I said laughing.

"I have to say sorry to Miss Queen." He said looking disappointed in himself.

That was when I knew, Tiffney and I had done an amazing job raising our kids. They were both headed in the right direction.

"Okay. And remember what I said, be nice Justice." I warned him.

"Yes sir." He said before running off to go play or whatever he does when he runs off.

I got up and went to the kitchen to fix some snacks for the kids and I. One down, one to go. I had to figure out what was going on with Queen. I knew she had to be pregnant. I saw all the signs. I just wondered when she planned on telling me.

Comment and vote. Hope you looove this story. Alright, byye!

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