Chapter 2: Pictures of Jamie

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It was dark outside the window, even if it was only five o'clock. I was eating ice cream as I watched TV with Angeline. We watched the news, as we always did at this time a day. A reporter was talking about some sort of young rich guy who had traveled the world. 

"Ha ha, that's a really arrogant guy." Angeline commented. I looked surprise at Angeline.

"Why's that?" I asked her. She just reflected my expression. 

"He is rich." was all she said. I smiled as I shook my head. 

"When will you ever stop having prejudices about people?" I asked. 

"Never." she answered. The reporter was still talking about the rich guy and Angeline yawned. 

"God this is boring, I'm gonna make some popcorn, you want some?" she asked me.

"Nah, I'm fine." I answered. Angeline went to the kitchen and I sat down in the couch by myself. In the end of the show the reporter was interviewing the rich guy, and when I saw his face my jaw literly dropped. The guy was quite tall, around 5'7, he had brown eyes and really good looking blond hair. The guy looked exactly like me. I gasped. I couldn't believe it. Did I have a twin? How, if so? I just had to meet him. No matter what. 

"So, how's it to live in California?" the female reporter asked.

"Well. It's hot there, but it isn't bad at all." The guy then smiled. Incredible, we had identical voices. 

"So. Jamie. Speaking of which, how do you feel about returning home from your traveling all around the world?" the reporter asked. 

"Yeah, It's great actually. After all this travelling you get pretty tired you know." he then laught. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer. Instinctively I changed the news to an another channel. 

"What are you watching?" Angeline asked me.

"Nothing particular." Why was I lying? Why was I hiding the fact that I might have a twin brother? 

"I see..." she just answered as she sank into the couch. I turned away my gaze toward the window. What should I do? After a moment of thinking I decided that I had to meet him. But I lived in Arizona and Jamie, as he apparently was called, lived in California. I had to get there, somehow. But how? Well..I did have an emergency bag with money... but this was a sort of emergency, wasn't it? I would give anything in the world for a family. So why not just leave? Oh, wait. A voice said in my mind. California is pretty big you know. Where do he live? Crap. I would never be able to track him down. But then again. 

"Oh my god I'm so stupid." I murmured for myself. Angeline looked confused at me.

"What?" she said. 

"Nothing." I quickly said. If I told her, I would have to drag her across the country with me. I just couldn't do that to her. We had school, and bad grades was nothing she could afford. Not on my count at least. 

"Really?" she asked me in disbelieved. 

"Yeah, really. Now let it go." I said, a bit to harsh. Angeline broke the eyecontact and looked at the screen. Romeo and Juliet was playing on TV.  A good begining with a terrible, sad end. 

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired. Can I sleep over?" I asked Angeline.

"Sure." she said, still a bit hurt. 

"I'm sorry Angeline. But goodnight." I said. Angeline raised her eyebrows.

"It's just five and thirty! Are you already heading to bed?" She asked me incredulity. 

"Well. Honestly I need to finish my homework. I never finished the math." I said. That was a lie. I was actually a couple of chapters ahead of everyone else. 

"You what?" she asked shocked. 

"Yeah, I know. Bye." I went to her room and closed the door. She had a laptop on her desk that I had used many times before to finish home works. I opened the laptop and typed in her password that was: ILOVEUNICORNS. Quite a funny and random password. I wouldn't have such a trouble finding Jamie if I used goggle. I typed the name Jamie. Thousands of results came up. But neither of them seemed to be Jamie.

"Shit." I said to myself. This was going to be harder than I expected it to be. The reporter had said something about a young world traveler. So I simply typed the words; The worlds youngest world traveler. Thousands of links appeared. Some was just wikipedia and other was boat clubs. As I scrolled down the page I noticed the name Jaime Phills. I clicked at the link and come to some sort of a blog. The blog was a fan page for Jaime Phills but sadly I didn't find a picture on the site. I opened a tab and typed the name Jaime Phills. And then, a dozen of pictures of myself appeared on the screen. Or more correct, pictures of Jaime. I hummed. I now had a complete name. I scrolled down the page until I found a wikipedia link. I quickly read what they wrote about him until I found what I was looking for. 

The young world traveller Jaime Phills lives in California in the Sacramento area. I smiled but then, I  felt like a complete stalker. The Sacramento city was quite big, it had 256 square km and a population over 450 000 people. It would be tough to just go there and find him. I had to be clever about this. What kind of social media did everyone have? And even celebrities? Facebook I thought.  I had in all my 17 years avoided Facebook. Partly because everyone I knew had Facebook and partly because Facebook was a huge waste of time. I went to their page and I was welcomed by the text

Facebook. Join us today by just typing down your email! I shook my head as I became a part of the social media on the Internet. When they finally accepted me I logged into their site. I typed the name Jamie Phills into the search field and a half dozen of people showed up. But on the bottom of the site Jamie's face appeared. I had found him, or at least his account. I didn't have a profile picture I then realised. But, would he think that I was some sort of crazy fan? Well, i didn't have another choice then to just try. The laptop had a camera so I activated it and I took a picture of myself. Now, when I had proof, I sent a friend request to Jaime Phills. Then I noticed the "send a message to" button. I raised my eyebrows. It would probably take less time to just email him or just send him a message. 

When I finished the short message I went to the historic page and clicked: delete browsing data. I then closed the laptop and went back to Angeline. In the message I had wrote,

Hey. I'm not sure how to say this but however, my name is Max Blake. I live in Arizona and I think we might be...brothers. You see, I saw you on tv and the reporter mentioned you being a world traveller. But I just couldn't tear myself from the thought of how look-alike we are. So I'm asking you to meet me. 

Something like that I wrote down. I just hoped I didn't sound like a over attached fan or something. But the only thing I could do for now was to wait... 


So hi! Was it good/bad? And I'm really sorry for my grammar! I'm really trying! :) More will come....soon...  

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