Chapter 5: Alex

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My alarm clock rang loudly as I slowly opened  my eyes. It was still quiet dark outside. I jumped of the bed and put some random clothes on. I looked at my mirror that was standing in the corner of my room. I had a blue shirt with classic blue jeans. I studied my hair that was short shining blond. Jaime had nearly as short hair as I, only a little longer. They wouldn't detect anything I convinced myself. I then  went to the kitchen and made quickly a sandwich. As I ate my sandwich I went to the bathroom and picked up some old hair gel. If I wanted to act as Jaime I needed to look like him. Not just the face and body but the stile too. I stiled my hair as I remembered Jaime did. Jaime styled his hair messy- as if he didn't even cared about his hair. But even I had to admit that it looked pretty hot- I looked hot. I smirked. Now I could go. I looked at the clock. An half hour left. It took about twenty minutes to go to the bus station so I had to hurry. I put on my brown backpack as I walked out the door. 

Twenty minutes later I found myself on the bus station. It was only a couple of minutes left so I sat down on a bench. I pulled out my phone and texted Angeline goodbye. Of course Angeline would never answer at this time a day. The school didn't start til nine and Angeline slept til eight. I watched as other people arrived for the bus. Some were young people, a bit older than me, and other were just old people. I patiently waited until the bus would come. I watched bored the road that was awfully quiet. Strange, I noticed. Usually some people would get to work at this time.

As the time passed by the bus finally arrived and I thankfully got on the bus. I took the nearest seat I could find which was only a couple of feets away. I looked bored out the window as I sighted. This would be a long ride. Whole eight hours. I put out some headphones as I connected them to my phone. Some music would at least make some difference. Suddenly someone sat down beside me. I studied that person from head to toe. Caramel hair, brown eyes and high cheekbones. The girl that sat beside me looked really cute, especially with that red shirt with dark brown shorts. 

"Hi!" she said. She studied me as well and smiled.

"Hello." I replied. 

"It's just... Oh my god!" she bursted out. 

"Are you Jaime Phills?" she asked me with big admiring eyes. Well, I was supposed to pretend being Jaime so why not?

"Yeah, in fact that's me." I said. When I saw her jaw drop I just smirked. Wow, this was something new. 

"It's just... It's just that I'm your biggest fan! I've from the beginning admired and supported you!" she stuttered. 

"Uh..." I just said. What was I supposed to answer? 

"I wouldn't be able to do what I do for living if it wouldn't be for fans like you." I said. Maybe it was risky, maybe not. But now when I had started the game I needed to finish it. So I kept on a smile and talked with her for a while. 

"Um. I see you are already heading to Sacramento so I just wondered if you could, you know. Visit me." The girl who's name was Alex said. I stayed silent for a while, not sure of what I should answer.

"I.. I'm sorry but I have some business to attend to." I answered. The girl just looked suspicious for a second but looked sad thereafter. 

"Oh. I understand." She said. I could hear her disappointment in her voice. 

"Maybe some other time?" I said. That made Alex at least look happier.

"Yeah... " she just answered. The rest of the road trip we spent in awkward silence. 

A couple of hours later we finally arrived at Sacramento. It seemed like a quiet nice city. I smiled. This was going to be... hard, but exciting and hopefully fun. I stepped out the bus with my back pack over my shoulders. Sacramento seemed like a normal city, but it also seemed something special about it. 

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