Chapter 6: The interview twist

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"Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you here and now:" Alex looked at me with a mysterious smile on her face. She pulled away my weapon as she slowly same closer with her mouth.

"Because..." She said as she brushed her lips onto mine. I took my hand around her waist and she took her arm around my neck. I literally burned as we kissed, damn she was a good kisser. But as we made out my vest yelled,

"Ouch!" I pulled away and stared at Alex who's weapon was pointed at my chest. 

"Because... I shoot you first." She said and smirked. I just stared choked at Alex who ran away down the tunnel. What the hell had just happend? She had kissed me. I raised my eyebrows. She had been the first girl I ever kissed and that kiss turned out to be pretty great. But then it hit me. Alex had kissed me, but she had thought she just kissed Jaime. My twin... This started to get a bit complicated even if I hadn't even started the first move. Now I was just a liar, who claimed to be someone else and took credit for it. I dropped my weapon and covered my face with my hands. My vest yelled,

"Take cover!" Really? I thought. Really now? I uncovered my face and picked up my weapon. I looked at my watch that said it was nearly four. Just one and a half hour to go, I thought. I pulled myself together as I walked into the tunnel. I soon forgot my thoughts and just concentrated on the game. When the breaks took place I simply tried to avoid Alex but she just smiled at me every time I looked at her. Soon the gaming hours ended and I was all sweaty- and so was Alex. 

"Great game huh? And I completely kicked your ass Jaime." Alex said smirking. 

"Um. Yeah, you did." I said.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked as we went out from the building.

"What? Nothing is wrong." I said quickly. Alex studied me suspiciously but let it go after we got to the car. She unlocked the car and I quickly jumped into it. As Alex was going to turn on the car I reached for my brown bag in the back seat. I pulled out the 45 dollar the laser tag costed and handed them to Alex. 

"Well. Thank you." Alex said as she took the money. 

"So. Please tell me what's wrong with you Jaime." She asked as we hit the road again. 

"What? What do you mean?" I asked puzzled. 

"Um. Jaime Phills would never lose a laser tag match. Even to be nice to me he would like I said never lose a laser tag match." I stared speechless at Alex. What the hell should I tell her? I stared out the window thinking.

"Or. Maybe I just had a bad day." I tried. Alex just looked offended.

"What day? The only thing you have done today was to meet me." I looked at her hands that were squeezing the steering wheel. I looked choked at Alex.

"What? No. No, that's not what I meant!" I defended myself.

"Really?" she asked me ripping her eyes off the road. 

"Yes. Really, now please look at the road  and try not to kill me." I said. She held her gaze over me a bit longer than I wanted to before she turned to the road again.

"Fine." She breathed out. After a long awkward silence Alex finally spoke.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to over react, but it's just... I keep wondering. Is it the kiss that bother you? Was it weird?" I stared full of emotions at Alex.

"No. I... I mean it's not that." I slurred. 

"Are you sure?" she asked me anxious. 

"Yeah. It's just that I have a lot on my mind right now... like that interview." I said. Alex tilted her head as she always did when she was puzzled.

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