Chapter 19: Trying to fix what's already broken

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--Jaime's Pov--

 "Okay. For the last time. Where the hell are you?" I said in a husky voice and threw my phone at the the brown couch in Max house.

"Jaime, I'm worried too. But you need to calm down. We wont find him if you go all crazy like that." Angeline said as she brushed her blond hair with a pink comb. I shook my head, as I walked over to the couch and sunk down on the black pillows.

"Angeline. His been missing for days. I said as I scratched my head frequently.

"I know that." she said as she put down the comb and eyed me intensly.

"He's my best friend Jaime. And you're his brother. I miss him too. But. Getting pissed wont get him here." Angeline said studying me sympathetically. I sighted and clenched my fists.

"I know. It's just... it's been a messed up week... or weeks. I don't know really." I looked at Angeline who gazed the wooden floor.

"Do you Think he got kidnapped?" Angeline asked quietly. I had in fact thought about it. It seemed possible since Angeline had made it clear yesterday that Max would never leave like that. Not without saying goodbye.

"I... don't really know. But it seems possible I guess." I said and leaned against the couch. Angeline took a deep breath and then sighted.

"Do we tell the police? Since Max won't answer his cell or anything?"

"I don't Think it's a good idea to be honest." I said and twined my my fingers.

"And why's that?" Angeline asked cautious.

"Max and I are Twins. We just happen to look identical. And if we call the police about my missing brother, What reactions do you think it will evoke? For starters, we don't have any hospital records of our parents, only that we were born. It doesn't exist a file that says we're brothers or even related..."


"No. Listen to me. Calling the police won't do any good! They will definatly not Believe me if I'll claim that I have an long lost Twin that have suddenly gone missing. Second. It could take weeks, no. months, until they start looking into it. And then there would be all the pain in the ass paparazi's and shit." I covered my face with my hands.

"...And I don't feel like wasting precious time on the police that won't do any good." I looked up at Angeline that stared impatiently at me.

"My dad's a cop." I bit my lips. Had just humiliated a cops daughter?

"Come again?" Angeline rolled her eyes.

"Your prejudices about cops... it's kind of offensive." she said crossing her arms.

"And besides, he's the chief." An 'oh' slipped my lips and I as well crossed my arms.

"But I'm still settled to my statement about cops." I said determinated. Or... scratch what I had said earlier. Did I just humiliate the chief's daughter? Well. It sounded quite badass...

Angeline sighted once more.

"Why won't you just give it a chance? Max has been missing for a week! We don't know if he's even okay!" I rose from the couch and walked toward her so that out toes nearly met.

"Angeline, I want to find him, I really do. I mean he's like the only cover I've for now. But as you said yourself earlier. Getting pissed won't get him here." She just shook her head.

"Unbelievable." she muttered and stepped away from me toward the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I asked and she stopped and turned around.

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