Chapter 4: The chess tournament

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I sat on the bathroom floor with my head in my knees and my arms holding my legs. My arms tightly hold on off what was left off me. If I hadn't gone to that party one and a half year ago, my father would still be alive. In the beginning, my mom had been heartbroken. When she still lived here, she came home and locked herself in her room. She never said hi or goodnight to me. She had in the beginning totally ignored me. But after a couple of months she had started to get better. And when she finally started to associate with me I started to think that she had forgiven me. But the next week she was vanished. That's the story of how I had lost my parents. Because I was a total moron. If I just hadn't got drunk everything would be fine. But sadly, you can't turn back time. My grip of my legs tightened. All I ever wanted was to get a real family. And that people wouldn't think that I was a completely freak.

There was some secrecy in this family I hadn't ever asked. Like why I didn't have more family than my parents, or the biggest secret of them all- that I had a twin. Jaime and I looked identical. It was no way that we couldn't be related. I was certain that he was my twin. I just had to prove him that. But how? The question spun in my mind. I could try to contact him on Facebook again, but it was a great chance that he would bail on me again. So I had to come up with a plan B... Then, I started to think. There was no way that he would believe me if I kept going on about being his twin on Facebook. I had to do something  in the real life. But what? And suddenly, I had a plan. It was crazy, It was risky, but at least It was something. I rose from the floor and went to my bedroom. I leaned under my bed where my bag was laying. I had for a long time now stashed extra money to the bag. I counted the money and I had whole 2000 dollars in my hands. It was sick how much money I had. But the money would be enough for a trip to California. But first I needed to turn on my computer and find my phone. 

I started my computer and typed my password.

"Imagine_Dragons". One of my favorite bands. I opened chrome and a new tab. I typed what I was searching for and found It. Jaime Phills manager. This was risky. If the manager was talking with Jaime right here and now my plan would be ruined. If his manager would ask Jaime who she was speaking with he would said that a guy pretends to be him. Jaime would definitely block me on every social media then. This was going to be hard. In most movies the lost twins finds each other and lives happily after, but this was reality. And I couldn't make a misstake. I was going to meet Jaime. No matter how far I needed to go. Even if I already thought I've taken a big step. It was around eight am. I hoped his manager wouldn't be around Jaime. I typed the managers number and a couple of signals later I heard a woman's voice.


"Hey." I said. Shit. I had forgotten what her name was.

"Jaime? What is it?" I quickly searched for her name on the screen. Madison Whitlock. Got it.

"Yeah, Madison." I was now going to take a really big step and only luck or god could help me right here and now. 

"You know that interview you told me about?" I asked her. I was biting my lips as i always did when I was stressed. 

"What do you mean?" she asked me suspicious. 

"Don't you remember?" I asked. She was quiet on the other end. This was it. It now depended on what she would respond. 

"Jaime. The only interview they offered was a interview for charity. And we both know you don't do charity." she said.

"Like the last interview for the news. You only did it for money." Oh my god, maybe Angeline was right after all. 

"Yeah, I know. But I've made up my mind." I said instead. She hummed.

"Alright then. Met me tomorrow five o'clock at my office." she said.

"Um. Where's it?" I said. If I knew the office maybe I could finally meet him. 

"Do you have brain damage or something? You are acting really strange." she said. 

"Nah. I'm fine. Just tell me." I said trying to sound like Jaime. However he sounded. She told me some street and numbers as I wrote it down on my computer. 

"Thanks Maddie." I said. But, oh no.

"Maddie? I'm Madison. I'm seriously considering taking you to a doctor." she said. Jeez, what kind of people were they? 

"Haha, really funny. See you tomorrow." I said and then hung up. Well. I had to be the luckiest person in the world considering this.  I actually got some kind of job blindly. Only problem now was how I would get there. I opened a new tab and searched for a bus.

Seven and a half hour. It took nearly eight hours to get to California. The ticket costed around 50 bucks which I could easily afford. If I took the bus that went at six in the morning I would be at Sacramento around two am. I bought a ticket and turned off the computer. Unfortunately I had to leave Angeline. If I called her, I would have to explain everything. But if I left a message on a piece of paper? I would be a coward. But would she forgive me? I had held this secret for days now. There was no way she would forgive me if I told her now... I had to come up with something. That she would believe and that she would forgive me for. I then searched for one of my minor hobby and found something that could be my alibi. A chess tournament was taking place in LA tomorrow. I quickly came up with a lie that even Angeline would bought. But, I would tell her, as soon as I found my long lost brother. I hoped It just wouldn't take more than a couple of days. I jumped in bed and layed down for a while. I then grabbed my phone and called Angeline.

"What's up?" she said.

"Well. I have great news." I said. I hated this so much, to lie to the only person I could trust. 

"What news?" she asked.

"You know that big tournament in LA where all people around the world play chess?" I said. Just keep going, I told myself. 

"What? No. What about It?" she seemed distracted about the thought of chess.

"Yeah, there is that tournament in LA that I've been officially invited to!" I said with false joy. 

"Really? And?" she asked, still a bit confused. 

"And i'm going over there tomorrow! So I need you to cover for me." 

"Wait. Back up. What? Are you going there tomorrow?" she asked me surprised.

"Yeah. Isn't It awesome?" I asked. I had to praise myself of what I liar I was. 

"Um. Congratulations then. When are you going?" she said. 

"Tomorrow 6 o'clock." I answered 

"Wow. That's early. Better you get some sleep then. Good night!" Then she hung up. She bought it. She had actually bought it. I didn't like this. At all. I never liked to lie. But even if I didn't like it I was surprisingly good at it. For a moment I just stared at the white ceiling silent. I was going to prove that I existed, by showing up at a TV show. If Jaime luckily watched it. But, how would he react. What would he think off me? He had to contact me after the show. Because if he didn't, he probably didn't want me in his life. Maybe he already had everything he wanted unlike me. 

Stop it. I told myself. I needed to stay focused but most of all smart. I couldn't afford to be pessimist about this. But how am I supposed to act like a person I don't even know? I asked myself. Crap. I rose from my bed and walked toward the computer. I turned it on and typed down my password. I afterwards opened chrome and searched for youtube. On the youtube's Search field I typed down Jaime's name and then random picked some of his interviews. After I've seen about eight interviews I gazed at the clock. Nearly ten. The last thing I needed to do was to pack. So I just throw some random clothes and shoes in my brown bag. I could then go to bed. I jumped into the bed and covered myself with a blanked. See you soon brother, I thought before my eyes closed and complete darker surrounded me. 


So, that's the chapter for today! I hope you liked it! :) Part 6 will be out soon!

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