Chapter 11: The commercial

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--Max's Pov--

Three days. In three days I had kept up with the acting. I didn't say it was a hell to be Jaime, but it wasn't easy. In the last three days I had hid in Jaime's room waiting for him to tell me what we should do next, but I hadn't heard from him. I rose from the bed and went down stairs to the kitchen. 

"Jaime!" Jaime's manager Madison said. She was dressed in a typical office suit and her hair were in a pony tail. 

"Morning." I said. Madison looked at me with a excited expression.

"I have some good news for you!" she burst out. I looked at her puzzled and tried to get a hint from Jaime's adoptive parents that also looked exited.

"You know the big famous company Mickleson?" Madison asked me.

"Uh, the one that sells electronics?" I asked her puzzled. She shook her head.

"Not only electronics! Micklesons are a worlds famous company! And guess what? They want you in their commercial!" Madison said and then hugged me. I hugged back still puzzled.

"Um. Why would they want me in a electronic commercial?" I asked her.

"Jaime! Micklesons sells like everything! And besides, a commercial like that will definitely increase your popularity!" Madison said instead. I took a deep breath.

"Can I think about it? When's the commercial by the way?" I asked her.

"No. It's today, and you have to take it! I'm not saying it as your manager but also as your friend. Please!" Madison nearly begged.

"I just need you to sign this!" Madison said and pulled out some papers and handled me a pen. Did I have to sign something? Crap. How the hell would I know how Jaime signed things? And would he even want me to do the commercial? I needed to make a decision right now because the people around me stared impatiently at me.

"Fine." I said and wrote Jaime on the paper. Madison scowled.

"That's not your usual writing." I looked uneasy around the room. How bizarre wouldn't it be if I got caught by my own writing? 

"It's better. Have you practised?" Madison said and I puffed out. 

"Yeah I did." I said more calmly. 

"Great! Lets go then!" Madison said and turned away.

"Wait, now? Where?" I asked her. 

"To meet the manager's assistant! He's expecting you soon so we better hurry!" she said impatiently. I looked at Katherine and Harold that smiled at me.

"Off you go son!" Harold said. I followed Madison out from the kitchen and to the street where a black limo were parked. I would never get used to this, I thought. We got into the limo and soon we hit the road, I watched as the buildings quickly rushed by. 

The limo stopped and we were outside a big tall fancy building. We got out from the car and soon we were inside the building. The reception were quiet big and covered by white marmor and white panels. Madison walked toward the information desk so I followed her. 

"Hello, I'm Jaime Phills manager and we have been called here to meet Ryan Moore. Where can I find him?" Madison asked polite. The cashier said some random numbers and Madison thanked him. We went to the elevator and Madison pushed number 27. 

"level 27?" I asked.

"Well, this building is pretty big you know, it's approximately two hundred rooms in this building." Madison said and curled her lip. 

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