Chapter 9: A red haired affair

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--Max Pov--

I woke up.  I was in Jaime's bed in Jaime's house. I was going to pretend being Jaime, again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and as I stared at the white ceiling my memories slowly started coming back.


"Yeah, hi. You were supposed to call me." I said a bit angry. It was over midnight already, I had waited for over two hours. 

"Oh, right. Sorry, totally forgot. But I'm on the bus now. And the reason I forgot you is this one girl who's keep texting me! It's really annoying." 

"What girl?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, from your phone. She's called Alex. And she calls you Jaime all the time. So I just have to ask. Did you got a girl because of my name?" Jaime asked a bit amusing and a bit frustrated.

"Um. Yes, but please tell me that you didn't write anything stupid to her." I nearly begged. 

"Well, that's too bad because I told her to back off." 

"You did what? You are supposed to act as Max, not Jaime!" 

"What, do you have feelings for this girl? And please. You are going to be me, you should be thankfull. And lets skip this girl crap and focus on what's..."

"What? No, your going to tell her sorry!" I nearly shouted. Maybe I overreacted maybe not. I had totally forgot about Alex. I didn't want her gone, she was the  second person that actually was nice to me.

"And by the way, if you wont pretend to being me, Angeline is going to drag you to school. Been there done that." I said, more calmly. I heard Jaime breathing on the other end.

"Fine, but let me quickly tell me about my so called family and let you know some details so they don't suspect anything, because I'm really tired." I breathed heavily,

"Alright.." He then told me the basic- what I needed to know. Teressa was Jaime's 'sister', Harold was Jaime's 'father' and Katherine' was Jaime's 'mother'.

I had asked Jaime about their age and he had just responded that I didn't need to know, only that Teressa was sixteen. He told me about the manager Madison I had recently met and said that she could be a real pain. There after he just told about himself and I asked if he had any special movement. He had just told me that he scratched his head when he got stressed- pretty similar to me. He also mentioned that he's pretty stubborn and with that he meant that if he got into an argument he couldn't let go. And that he was quick witted and that he quickly made decisions- which made me laugh. I then afterwards told him about me and he just hummed. Thereafter he ended the call.

I rose from the bed and just stared at the room. It was so fancy. I really couldn't imagine getting used to it. I walked out the door and down the stairs. I had forgotten to ask him what kind of 'trace' he had found, but it wasn't important for now. What was important now was to get into the roll of playing Jaime. I was now in the big white room I had gone to earlier. I walked toward some brown door hoping it was the kitchen. I was really starving. 

"Jaime?" someone called. I looked to my right and saw a woman cooking American breakfast.

"Um. Morning." I said smiling. I had no idea who this was but she seemed nice. The woman was short and had blue eyes and short red hair. She had a blue mans shirt on. Why hadn't Jaime mentioned her? The woman looked awkward at me. I dropped my smile and got a bad feeling about this. Suddenly someone walked into the kitchen. A man with brown eyes and blond hair stepped into the room. 

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