Chapter 8: Reunited

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--Max pov--

I've done it. I actually managed to survive the interview without raising any further suspicious. Jaime had to see the show. But what would he think off me? Would he think I was some kind of traitor for stealing his place? Or would he be raging? Or worst of all- would he deny me? This questions circulated in my mind all the way back to Sacramento. I sat in the jet plane looking out the window. It was such a beautiful view. I had only once been flying- and that was when dad was still alive. We had flown to Spain for a weekend. But of some reason my dad had been quiet absent on that trip. But I hadn't cared about that. I had for gods sake been in Spain. Me and mom had spent most off the time on the beach either bathing or tanning. I shook my head. I really missed those memories. I had been eight years old then. Life was so simple then. I smiled, maybe now when I soon will meet my brother things will change. I looked over to Jaime's manager Madison who looked like she was about to sleep. All the way to the airport she had been fixated on telling me how awesome that interview had gone. I had appreciated her praising but after she had kept going on about the same thing for about half an hour I had kind off cut her off by unkindly telling her to shut up. She had for the rest of the trip looked at me with wounded eyes. But I could live with that. I poked Madison on her arm and she looked quiet pissed at me. 

"What?" she asked. 

"Um. Could you when we land drive me to an hotel?" I couldn't risk going to Jaime's house... or could I? I didn't exactly want to make a scene coming into their home and finding Jaime sitting with his family. 

"Don't be ridiculous Jaime. I will drive you home, or rather accompanied you to your home." I nodded. If I kept struggling she would notice that something was wrong. So I was going to Jaime's house. I wouldn't be at an hotel meeting him in a park or something another day. I would meet him today. I scratched my hand- a typical sign of me being nervous. This was crazy. I was about to meet my brother. Or I rather- I was 99% sure he was my brother, because there is no way we wouldn't be related. The resemblance were to big. 

Soon we landed and we got out from the airport to get a limo. Luckily me and Jaime looked identical so there was no problem with my passport. Because I would be really busted if they would notice that what I was holding in my hand as I passed the guards would be someone else's. Probably I would have stayed on the airport for a while. But that wasn't a problem for me. I sat in the big fancy limo looking out the window. The city was beautiful. That's at least what I thought. When I looked at Madison she just bored looked out the window as it wasn't a big deal. But of course, she was used to this city, would be quiet hard to admire something you have been aware of your entire life. I sighted and looked at my watch. Nearly ten minutes left. 

The limo pulled over and stopped. Madison waited until the driver came to open the door so I figured I would do the same. Why couldn't she just open the door herself? I thought grimly. Madison got out the car and I just followed her. We were standing outside a big white house. Big opaque windows covered the house and a high fence were dragged all around the house preventing papparazzi's from sneaking into the garden. What I noticed were that the only way into the house were by the big iron gate. Madison walked towards the gate and dotted in a code. The gate opened and Madison was just about to walk toward the house until I stopped her. If she went to the house she would babble everything and it would be ruined. At least for now. 

"Madison. Remember when I hesitated to be a part of the interview?" I asked her. She responded with raising her eyebrow. 

"How could I?"

"Yeah. Um. My parents didn't want me to go. So I kind of kept it as a secret." I said looking apologetic. 

"What? I made them talk to you about it but you as always just shut us out." 

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